Scheduling transports

Scheduling transports


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Creation of a Shipment

See here how to enter a shipment.

The key fields of a shipment are the following: 



Outbound hub

The hub responsible for the pickup of the goods.
All hubs deposited in the basic data for the current client can be selected.

→ This is always a required field.

Inbound hub

The hub responsible for the delivery of the goods.
All hubs deposited in the basic data for the current client can be selected.

→ This is not a required field.


This is important if the content is DIR (direct).
If so, the pickup and delivery type are automatically set.

→ This is not a required field.

Pick up type

Defines the type of the pickup.

Available for selection are:

  • Local traffic

  • Customer delivery

  • Direct pickup

This field cannot be cleared.

Not disposed legs are created for local traffic tours
Disposed routes, which only have statistical value, are created for self-deliveries.

Delivery type

Defines the type of delivery.

Available for selection are:

  • Local traffic

  • Customer pickup

  • Direct delivery

This field cannot be cleared.

Pick up and delivery address

Important for the correctness of the pickup and delivery route.


The creation of legs is based on the fields Outbound hub and Inbound hub.

The Pick up and Delivery routes are based on the Pick up and Delivery address.  

  • As soon as you enter a shipment, a total distance is immediately created for this shipment.
    This is also available in the disposition.
    This applies to shipments created through the normal or fast order entry.

Creation of a Tour

See here how to enter a Tour.

The key fields of a tour are the following: 

Outbound hub

The hub responsible for the pickup of the goods.

All hubs deposited in the basic data for the current client can be selected.

→ This is always a required field.

Inbound hub

The hub responsible for the delivery of the goods.

All hubs deposited in the basic data for the current client can be selected.

→ This is not a required field.

Tour type

Here you can deposit the tour type.

This serves a search criterion in the disposition/scheduling.

→ This is not a required field.

Haulier address

Here you can enter the haulier responsible for the transport of this tour.

The offered vehicles underneath this address refer to the entered haulier.


If no vehicle is selected after a haulier has been entered, this is displayed as follows in the disposition:


An entered vehicle looks as follows:

Dispose shipments to a tour

To dispose a shipment onto a tour, select the shipment in the shipments/legs section and press and hold it with the left mouse key (drag and drop).
Pull this shipment into the tours section.
The mouse key changes in the process.

  • Please ensure that the leg is moved to the selected tour.

The shipment is now set to Disposed and disappears from the overview of the shipments.

The shipment is located on the tour. This is visible in the lower tour info/shipments on tour section

Further interaction options are explained in detail in the respective pages relating to the sections.

Dispo release/blocking

Shipments can only be pulled into a tour if they have a dispo release.

This is indicated with a green dot.

Dispo releases are created if the tour leading the shipment is released.


Total distance from Hamburg to Frankfurt.

Pick up route within Hamburg.
Main carriage from Hamburg to Frankfurt.
Delivery tour within Frankfurt.

The pickup route in Hamburg is disposed onto a pick up tour within Hamburg.
A remaining route from Hamburg to Frankfurt results.
The remaining route receives the dispo release as soon as the pickup tour is released.

Linking the routes

The creation of routes is done in a certain pattern.

The following chain results from a total distance during the disposition (ideal case): Pick up → Main carriage → Delivery

The linking looks as follows for multiple routes of one type: Pick up → 2. Pick up → 1. Main carriage → 2. Main carriage → 3. Main carriage → 1. Delivery → 2. Delivery.

Calculate kilometer

Please open a leg file in the fast entry to calculate the kilometer for all section of a customer order.
→ Switch to the Leg tab.

You can now either manually enter the KM or select a line and click the context menu entry Calculate kilometer.

However this requires a route server linked to the system, e.g. from PTV.
The leg data are transferred to the route server and the km are entered into the fields.