Tabs in the button section

Tabs in the button section



Button section with 2 rows tabs

There are two different rows of tabs above the package line.

  • The top line of tabs mainly refers to the Dakosy-ZAPP registration and B/L transfer to Dakosy for AMS and ACI.
    In individual cases, data entry fields are used for statistics and individual fields for interface transfers relating to the invoice.
    The data recorded here is sent to the Port of Hamburg/Customs (HDS) if a DAKOSY interface is available.

  • The bottom row of tabs is used for level management and the commands that are also available in the context menu, among other things.

  • The tabs are available PER PACKAGE LINE if a packaging code has been entered.

  • They are activated as soon as a package line is entered.

  • In lines without number and packaging code and in text lines, the tabs cannot be edited.

Upper tabs in the goods description tab








You will automatically be taken to the goods description on the first Goods tab.

Entry of consignment details considering the goods description version for different purposes.


The Container tab is available if the goods description contains a package line with a container packaging code.
In all other cases, the tab is inactive.

The tabs Container, DGR, Customs are required for the connection to the Dakosy ZAPP system and must only be used in this shipping case (via the port of Hamburg).

In addition to fields for the harbour connections, additional fields are available for recording temperatures and precarriage and oncarriage information.

These fields can be included in reports if required.

You can find details on how to enter data on the container tab under this link.


The DGR tab is available in each package line.

The tabs Container, DGR, Customs are required for the connection to the Dakosy ZAPP system and must only be used in this shipping case (via the port of Hamburg).

It is possible to store master data for hazardous goods or have it read into the system via an interface.

Please contact your system administrator and dangerous goods representative.

With the context menu entryimage-20240916-142904.png,
the UN No., IMDG class and technical description from the dangerous goods data entered here can be transferred to the marks field or contents field in the goods description from the corresponding package line.

The DGR tab has three options:

  1. ZAPP registration

  2. Recording of hazardous goods data

  3. Dangerous goods statistics


The Customs tab is available in each package line.

The tabs Container, DGR, Customs are required for the connection to the Dakosy ZAPP system and must only be used in this shipping case (via the port of Hamburg).

AES is preset by default in the Type of declaration field.

A different procedure can be selected via the drop-down menu. The entry fields then change accordingly.

The data recorded here is sent to the Port of Hamburg/Customs (HDS) if a DAKOSY interface is available.

As on the other Dakosy tabs, make sure to enter the customs data in the correct goods description version.
For example, if you fill in version H, the Customs and/or dangerous goods data must also be added in version H.


This tab contains the details of the actual sender and recipient for the AMS filing.

This tab is used for the B/L transmission to Dakosy (broker).

Shipper and consignee are pre-assigned from the order data.

The addresses can be edited here.

HS code

Used to record the HS code(s) (Harmonised System) for the AMS filing.

The codes can be entered in the Statistic. commodity codes (in Order) master data and retrieved from there.

Additional fields

Similar to the company tab, up to 10 additional individual fields can be defined for the package items.

The definition takes place in the master data in Additional fields goods description in Order.

Different additional fields can be generated for each order sector, main department and sub-department, which are only displayed in the screen if exactly this section has been selected with the main department and sub-department.

This is controlled by the file number generation when a new file is created. The main and sub-department are read out there.

Invoice/ Delivery note 

On this tab, you can enter data that can be used for the individual interfaces.

Lower tabs in the goods description tab

The lower button line offers functions for navigating and editing the entry section.

The tool tip shows you the function of the individual tabs. Each tool tip is explained in the chapters below this point.



Tool tip

Please see…


Select goods description and copy to other programmes



Paste goods description from Excel



Move selected lines up or down.




Use to select data from the goods description to copy and paste it to external documents.

  1. Click on button Select

  1. Select with the left mouse button the desired data

  1. Click on button Copy

  1. Open external Program (i.e. Word, Mail…) and paste from the Windows clipboard.

CargoSoft sets automatically back into Edit mode after Copy has been clicked.

Refer to chapter Copy description of goods

To paste data from external programs into the goods description:

  1. Copy data to the windows clipboard

  1. Click into the field in the goods description where the insert shall start

  1. Click on button paste

Note: To insert data into several columns the original data must be in the same column setup, i.e. from Excel.

Refer to chapter Copy desc. of goods from excel.






Adds a new sub-level to the selected line.


Moves the selected line one level down.

(To move one level up press CTRL+<-)        





Non proportional font

The goods description changes to font Courier New instead of Tahoma. Thus, the length of the fields can be controlled for specific forms or reports (printers).



See chapter Show totals weight and volume



Maximize and minimize the entry section.



Copies container data.