Buttons Edit, Select, Copy
Select goods description and copy it to another file
You can copy sections of the Description of goods tab Seafreight and copy it into other programs, e.g. Excel.
→ Select the section in CargoSoft and copy it to the clipboard.
Edit button
Click on the Edit button to manually activate it.
If you have copied already and would like to select again, click on the button Select.
Select button
To select (highlight) contents of the goods description, click on the Select button.
You are now in the select mode and can select contents across columsn and lines.
Press and hold the left mouse key.
Copy button
Now, click on the Copy button.
The details are copied to the Windows clipboard. You can now paste these contents in another program, e.g. Excel, Word, etc.
As long as the button Select is active, you can only select
As soon as you have clicked on Copy, CargoSoft automatically returns to the edit mode.