Modify areas of the goods description

Modify areas of the goods description


Expand or reduce areas

Move the cursor over the border. Your cursor will turn into a double arrow ←||→ . Press and hold the left mouse key and pull the border.


Move columns

Click on the column header, press and hold the left mouse key and pull the column to another position via drag and drop.

Expand column

Move your cursor to the edge of a column until it turns into a double arrow ← → 
Press and hold the left mouse key to incrase or reduce the width of the column.

Minimize and maximize

To minimize and maximize the entire area, click on the respective buttons.

Maximize to close the explorer, volume and detail areas.

Minimize to unhide the explorer, details and volume area.

Save layout

To save your customized layout, select context menu → Save layout.

Select context menu → Load original layout to reset the layout to the CargoSoft standard.

Please only use the functions Save layout and Load original layout only when the goods description is still empty!