ZAPP Sea data for Dakosy
Links to further information
Tabs for the ZAPP goods description
Active and inactive Dakosy tabs
Inactive tabs
The Goods and DGR tab are always active.
The Container and Customs tabs are inactive.
Entries in the fields Quantity and PC activate the package line and with it the tabs Container and Customs.
Active tabs
Quantity and PC for FCL (container packaging code) activate Customs and Container tabs:
Quantity and packaging code for LCL activate Customs tab.
The Container tab remains inactive/gray:
Which version is transmitted to Dakosy?
If filled, the H-version of the goods description is used for the port transmission.
If the H-version is not filled, the M-version is transmitted instead - or, if not filled either, the B-version.
Please make sure that you add your customs and dangerous goods details to the correct version (the version to be transmitted to Dakosy).
If e.g. the H-version is available, Dakosy details must be added to the H-version since this is the first version to be used for the port document/quay request.
Enter LCL shipments for ZAPP
First level is required, second level is optional.
The Customs and Dangerous goods tabs are available per package line.
FCL - Enter full container for ZAPP
First level is required.
Dangerous goods: First level is required, second level is required as well.
These must be added to the corresponding shipment.Customs details can be added to the sublevels or the container.
Dakosy packaging codes
For the transmission, the packaging code must correspond to the code required by Dakosy.
The packaging codes recorded in CargoSoft usually contain the Dakosy packaging code: