Search sequence of the versions

Search sequence of the versions


Search sequence of B/Ls

There is a correlation between the B/L type you selected when creating the order and the version available in the goods description.

B/L type and version selection

There is a correlation between the B/L type that you selected when creating the order and the version available in the goods description.

This correlation is explained in the B/L creation section, as the starting point here is the B/L to be created.

Search sequence

The search order of the respective version of the goods description to be used respectively the search_order_n fields are used as follows:

  • search_order_b
    When creating and printing the B/L in a HB/L file, and when sending ACI and AMS

  • search_order_o
    When creating, printing, sending an OB/L (CON, B2B-OBL, DIR, XXX).
    From the HB/L attached in the consol or B2B, the description of the goods will be determined from suchreihenfolge_o!

  • search_order_s
    When creating and printing a manifest (CON, B2B, XXX)

The following table shows for each B/L type in which of the above cases (search_order_n) which version of the goods description is prioritized.

B/L type




B/L type





B, M, O, S, H, F

O, S, B, M, H, F

S, O, B, M, H, F


B, M, O, S, H, F

O, S, B, M, H, F

S, O, B, M, H, F


O, B, S, M, H, F 

O, B, S, M, H, F

S, O, B, M, H, F


same as CON

same as CON

same as CON


B, M, H, F

B, M, H, F

B, M, H, F

*Search_order_b is actually not needed in the Consol. Is identical to search_order_o
**The goods versions O and S do not exist in the DIR.

Search sequence of port orders

If, for example, the H version is available, the Dakosy data must be attached to the H version, as this is always used first for the port order/quay request.

Make sure that you attach your customs data and any dangerous goods data to the correct version (to the version to be transferred to Dakosy).