Vessel data maintenance in the Seafreight menu

Vessel data maintenance in the Seafreight menu


Related topics

New fields have been added analogous to the Transport tab.

These fields, such as planned customs clearance can be entered and saved via the vessel data maintenance.

The data is transferred in the respective file into the corresponding field in the Transport tab when saving.

Search criteria

Open the Seafreight menu Vessel data maintenance.

Enter your search criteria into the search mask.

Press F3 or click Search to start the search.

Search result

Attention: If the file number of the consol file (main file) has been recorded in the File number field, the result will yield not only the consol b/ls but also House b/ls (sub files).


Edit all files

Activate the checkbox Edit all files to overwrite the data within the file.

  • Files that will be edited are indicated by a checkmark in the first field.

  • Remove the checkmark if you would NOT like to edit these files.

Edit all files



Clicking the Save button, the data of all marked lines are updated and saved in the respective file.

The Order → Header data, Statistics tab and Transport tab are mainly affected.

Edit blank fields only

If you would only like to overwrite blank fields, activate the checkbox Edit blank fields only.

Edit blank fields only

Edit single files

If you would like to edit the shipment details of the vessel (e.g. because the ets has been delayed or single consignments could not be shipped in the consol container), select the relevant files or deselect the ones not affected. You can now enter the current data into the empty fields of the relevant column.

First remove both checkmarks of the checkboxes

  • Edit all files and

  • Edit blank fields only.

Enter the changes in the relevant columns on the top empty white line.

Then mark the files for which the changes are to be made using the checkbox in front of the relevant line.

The changes in the files are carried out by saving.

Case example

After departure of the vessel, you can enter the  B/L date, B/L number and e.g. the vessel R.O.E. in all files with the same vessel departure.

The fields from the Transport tab such as the estimated customs clearance, are available as well.

Update shipment details in vessel data maintenance → click the Save button:

These details will be updated on the Order → Header data tab and the Statistic tab in every file.