Create accrual in the account sheet

Create accrual in the account sheet


Basic data

The amounts are divided into ...

  • billing codes OR activity types on accruals for expenses

  • billling codes on accruals for revenues

In the basic data certain activity types are stored in the billing data. They are read and shown automatically at use.


Description of the fields in the accrual line

The explanation of the fields in the accrual line is also valid for the topic Create accruals in Environment - Invoicing.





Voucher type/Account type

The voucher type [LR] with the account type [K] is preallocated with the settings in the basic data. The combination of voucher type ↔ account type depends on the voucher type.

The voucher type defines additionally whether they are accruals for revenues or expenses.

  • LR stands for incoming invoices/payables → an accrual for expenses.

  • R  stands for outgoing invoices/receivables → an accrual for revenues.

Voucher type


Please select in the dropdown list the entry for

  • incoming invoices (LR),

  • incoming credit notes (LG),

  • incoming invoices (R),

  • incoming credit notes (G).

Account type
Address code

Please select the invoice issuer or recipient via the address code.
The search function is available in the Account field.

The automatic display of the account type depends on the selected voucher type.
When using mixed accounts, the preallocation is always G.

The address name is displayed after the selection and is non-editable.

Billing code

Please select the billing code to which the accrual is created.

After the selection of the billing code, the activity type assigned in the basic data is automatically displayed. It is also non-editable.

Unless it is set in the basic data that accruals are to be recorded for each activity type. Then the activity type is activated.
→ Setting in the Incoming invoice tab in INVOICING in COMPANY → Field Create accruals per activity type.

Activity type

Select the activity type for the accrual.

CUR. (currency)


Enter the currency key.

Every accrual in the mask can be created with a different currency and the corresponding R.O.E.


Is non-editable and displayed in grey if the house currency is entered.

Becomes a required field if a foreign currency is entered in the CUR. field.

→ If a daily rate has been/is entered in the basic data, this field automatically displays the R.O.E. from the basic data.
→ It can be overwritten.

Period (Booking period)

The preallocation of the booking period is a setting from the basic data.
The booking period can be drawn from different date fields.

In agreement with the financial interface, it is fundamentally determined in your company in which booking period is the bookings are to be booked, whether the booking period can be changed during the voucher creation or whether it is changed via the interface to the financial accounting.

Posting text

The posting text can be recorded for each line.

  • It is transfered to the financial accounting if setted accordingly in the basic data.

  • The field Posting text is displayed in the Account sheet → Open accruals  tab.

  • If open accruals are used in the incoming invoicing, this posting text from the accrual is displayed in the billing line.

The field posting text can be declared as a required field → Extras tab in REQUIRED FIELDS.

Cheque paid

The checkmark for Cheque paid can be set for each line.

Save accrual

Accruals can be saved via:

  • File → Save

  • Strg + S

  • Disc icon

  • Context menu → Save accrual

Incorrect entries can be stopped via the context menu entry: → Stop processing → All data is reset.

Numbering of the accruals

Every booking of an accrual creates an own consecutive accrual number.
The number range is read from the basic data INVOICING in COMPANY → Number range tab.

The accruals are displayed by the line.
The consecutive number of the accrual can be seen on the tabs Overview accruals and Open accruals.

Accrual entry for different voucher types

Accrual Entry for Incoming Invoices (LR)

An accrual for an incoming invoice is displayed with the voucher type LR.

The belonging personal account is expected to be K (creditor account) and is displayed accordingly in the line.

Accrual Entry for Outgoing Invoices (AR)

An accrual for an outgoing invoice is displayed with the voucher type R.

The belonging personal account is expected to be D (debtor account) and is displayed accordingly in the line.

Accrual Entry For Outgoing Credit Notes (AG)

An accrual for an outgoing credit note is displayed with the voucher type G.

The belonging personal account is expected to be D (debtor account) and is displayed accordingly in the line.

Accrual Entry For Incoming Credit Notes (LG)

An accrual for an incoming credit note is displayed with the voucher type LG.

The belonging personal account is expected to be K (creditor account) and is displayed accordingly in the line.