Hazardous goods data for Dakosy ZAPP
- 1 Hazardous goods details acc. to Dakosy
- 2 Field description of the hazardous goods fields
- 3 Hazardous goods details for IMDG class 1
- 4 Hazardous goods details for IMDG class 7
- 5 Search via IMDG class
- 6 Search via UN no.
- 7 Accept the search result
- 8 Several hazardous goods consignments in one shipment
- 9 Special case/example
Hazardous goods details acc. to Dakosy
Attention: The data entry in these fields must correspond to the format of the DAKOSY requirements.
Please see the ZAPP manual provided online by DAKOSY for field lengths and formats
https://www.dakosy.de/.../ZAPP-AES_HDS_Port-Order/DY01_Kaiantrag_HDS_V9.12.0.pdf → Processing rules for dangerous goods and dangerous goods fields.
We have taken into account all field descriptions/functions and transmission formalities in CargoSoft and have followed this manual as closely as possible.
This chapter therefore contains various references to the EDI manuals by Dakosy.
Field description of the hazardous goods fields
Field | Function |
Hazardous legislation | Select the hazardous legislation for the transport leg that you would like to declare. |
Amendment | Amendment of the basic data |
IMDG class | IMDG class (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code) The field IMDG class is structured as followed: Check against IMDG code as well as compatibility check with UN no. → A search in the basic data that connects this field with the UN no. is available. |
UN no. | Entry of the UN number. Check against the IMDG code as well as compatibility check with IMDG class. → A search in the basic data that connects this field with the IMDG class is available. |
Packaging group | Packaging group Required for N.O.S. files (not otherwise specified), i.e. when the field Technical name contains one of the following entries:
Possible contents I, II, III or >= (does not apply to classes 1, 2 and 7). |
Flash point | Required for class 3 and if the first place of one of the labels (1 to 4) = 3. Entry in the format: +001. This field is structured as follows: |
Label 1 to 4 | The field Label is structured as follows: |
EMS no. | Emergency Schedule The field EMS no. is structured as follows: |
MFAG no. | Medical First Aid Guide The field MFAG no. is structured as follows: |
WGK code | Water hazard class: |
Booking no.
| The field booking number is a required field in the HDS! For sending the HDS this field is requested by Dakosy (20 digits). ATTENTION: The field to be transferred to Dakosy is located in the Order tab → Statistics tab → Field Booking number (eakopf_t.buchungsnummer) Filling the field in the DGR button is not sufficient to send normal goods! GGVSea: In case of dangerous cargo sea, the field booking number in the DGR button remains a mandatory field for sending.
GGVS/ADR details | Information about the hazardous legislation for road. The field GGVS/ADR details is structured as follows: |
Technical name | Correct technical name as per IMDG code. |
Hazard inducer
| → 110 alphanumeric characters → Dakosy documentation: Required for dangerous goods that are listed in the Αllgemeinen Einleitung IMDG-Code Kapitel 7. → You can also load dangerous goods details from the basic data.
If the field NAG in the basic data is active, the field Hazard inducer in the order is a required field. |
Properties/Remarks | One line for properties/remarks per IMDG class. (216 alphanumeric characters → in the print: 3 x 72 characters) |
Issuer | Enter the issuer (natural person) responsible for the dangerous goods details. This issuer is not necessarily identical to the issuer from form field 14. If the responsibility lies with an external dangerous goods representative or a commissioned individual (who is not identical to the actual issuer of the quay request), this person must be entered in field 079. (72 alphanumeric characters.) |
Limited quantities | Checkmark limited quantities → Y/N. |
Hazardous goods details for IMDG class 1
Stuffing method | This field only applies to IMDG class 1. |
Compatibility group | Required for class 1. |
Net weight in kg | Powder weight. Requird for class 1. |
Hazardous goods details for IMDG class 7
Activity in BQ | Required for class 7 (except for page no. 01-04). |
Unit of activity | BQ, KBQ, MBQ, GBQ, TBQ, PBQ,. Required for class 7 (except for page no. 01-04). |
Packaging type | IP1, IP2, TYPA, TYPB, TYPC, TYPM. Required for class 7 (except for page no. 01-04). |
Transport index no. | Required for class 7 (except for page no. 01-04). |
Page no. | Required for class 7. |
Category | Required for class 7 (except for page no. 01-04). |
Search via IMDG class
Search for all goods of one IMDG class (Dangerous goods class).
Search via UN no.
If you search via the UN no., this UN no. will be displayed with the IMDG class and all other recorded details.
Accept the search result
When accepting the details into the dangerous goods mask, all fields that CargoSoft was able to determine from the search result in the basic data will be filled.
Please follow the entries in the Dangerous Goods Declaration of the consignor as closely as possible when entering dangerous goods details!
Several hazardous goods consignments in one shipment
In case of two/more dangerous cargo-/general consignments in one file, both/all shipments are entered in level 1.
The dangerous goods details are entered in the line with the package details (marks, quantity, packaging type, content and weight) respectively.
On transmission CargoSoft automatically creates datasets for 2/more separated dangerous goods quay requests.
CargoSoft recognizes the 13-line separation between 2/more dangerous goods datasets required by Dakosy based on the combination of package line ↔ dangerous goods details.
Special case/example
IMDG class incl. dangerous goods sub group
If you would like to declare dangerous goods with a subsidiary risk, please enter the data as shown below.
Dangerous goods with these information will serve as an example:
UN number | 3149 |
IMDG | 5.1 |
Subsidiary risk | 8 |
Goods | Hydrogen Peroxide |
IMDG class with secondary group in the dangerous goods details
The IMDG class is repeated in the first box of field Label 1-4 .
The secondary dangerous goods class(es) is/are entered in the other fields.