Context menu in the C-Point Overiew tab



Functions in the context menu

Select all

All existing data sets can be marked at once.

Unselect all

The selection of all data sets is canceled.

Copy goods description from ...

If a container number is to be taken over from the goods description, the takeover window is called up again with this function.

Copy container row

A data set is copied.

Add container row

You can add order lines manually.

Delete container row

Selected data sets are deleted.

Add MRN to container

This command can be used to add additional MRN numbers to a container.

→ There is ONE data set per container/vehicle number.
→ Accordingly, all recorded MRN numbers of one container belong to one order.


Select MRN from AES 

If a MRN number has been recorded in the Goods description → Customs tab, this can be transferred with this function.

Write MRN into all containers

A recorded MRN no. is transferred to all other data sets on the overview tab.

If there is already a MRN entry for a container, the MRN number is added to the existing one.

→ This does not apply to data records that have already been sent and are not unlocked.

Delete MRN from container 

This function can be used to delete a MRN number.
If the MRN number applies to several containers, it is deleted in all existing data records.

Copy field content to all lines

The value of the selected field is copied into all lines.

This function is only valid for the container fields Terminal, Booking no., Carrier type and User Login.