Send, unlock, cancel C-Point order

Send, unlock, cancel C-Point order

The commands for sending, unlocking and canceling are located in the Overview tab in the context menu.


Send order

The data transfer is always initiated from the overview tab via the context menu.

After a new order with all the necessary data has been entered, it can be transferred to e-Desk.

To do this, the order is selected and transferred using the entry Send in the context menu.

Required fields for sending

When sending, all mandatory information is checked:

Type of Document, Document number (MRN), Container/Vehicle no., Customs office and in case of (Ro/Ro cargo) vehicles the Terminal is also a required field.

Status information about the sending

The status bar provides information about the status of the order.



Meaning of the Transmission column


Meaning of the Transmission column

Not in transmission

A data record has the status [Not in transmission] before it is sent and after a status has been confirmed by e-Desk.

Transmission completed

Once the data transfer has been completed and the application has been fully accepted, the status [Transmission completed] appears.

In transmission

If the data record is currently in the sending process, it has the status [In transmission].

Technical responses

The technical feedback is shown in the columns Check, Techn. OK and Funct. OK.


Technical responses

The technical feedback is shown in the columns Check, Techn. OK and Funct. OK.



The Check column shows whether the data record was transferred correctly from the interface.

  • Positive feedback is shown with a green tick

  • negative with a red cross.

Techn. OK

The technical OK responses are displayed in the Techn. OK column.

Funct. OK

The functional OK responses are displayed in the Funct. OK column.


The display can be updated with the Refresh button:


Subsequent processing of orders

If it is required to change an order or to add data, it is possible to activate, edit and resend the order.

Unlock order

If an application cannot be processed, it can be released again.

Therefore activate the checkbox in front of the data set and select the entry Unlock in the context menu. 

Preconditions to unlock a data set:

  • Status [Not in Transmission] or [Transmission completed] 

  • Technical status Techn. OK = no, Funct. OK = no or Funct. OK = yes

This function also activates the field Send req.

Send order alteration

If the Send function is executed from the context menu after the data has been corrected or supplemented, the system automatically sends all data records with the field Send req activated out again.

It is not relevant here whether the transmission is carried out for the activated data record or whether another data record is to be sent.

Cancel order

To cancel an order completely, select the desired data record and select the entry Cancel in the context menu.

This transaction is carried out immediately afterwards.

To cancel an order the following requirements must be met:

  • Status [Transmission completed] technical status Funct. OK = OK