Data entry and package line

Data entry and package line

Package line

The central area of data entry in the goods description is the package line.

All other fields, buttons, details and areas refer to the selected package line.



Basic data

Types of lines

Filled lines have different meanings depending on how they were entered. There are

  • container lines

  • package lines

  • text lines

Fields in the seafreight goods description

A package line contains the following fields:






Shows the level in which the goods description line was entered. Three levels are available.

Example with 3 levels

Level 1 = container
Level 2 = pallets in the container
Level 3 = boxes on the pallets

The levels are highlighted in different colors.




Activate the checkbox to create a text line (up to 100 characters).

Text lines only consist of one long field.



Enter up to 3 digits in the field Seal no.

This field is also located on the Container button, which displays the recorded seal numbers of the detail area.

Vice versa, the numbers from the container button are displayed in the goods description if the seal numbers have been entered on the Container button.

The Seal no. field is only active for container packaging codes.

These fields are non-editable for breakbulk packaging codes.

Form the service order
A seal number imported through a provider is inserted into the goods description of the file. Seal numbers that were already entered are not overwritten.


Enter the container number or a package code.

A plausibility check  is performed for container numbers
The combination of a container number and container packaging code will automatically calculate the check digit (last digit of the container number).
In case of an incorrect digit CargoSoft will issue a message with the correct number:

You can either have the program correct the check digit or insert the shippers-own checkmark.

Display container format
ISO containers are formatted automatically if you have recorded a template for container numbers, e.g.: XXXX NNN NNN-N.
Please see GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETER → Order data tab → field Container format.

Container number from the service order
If a provider response contains a container number, this number is automatically replaced in the goods description of the file, provided that this has been configured in the interface.

You also have the option to record recurring texts as text modules. They will be accessible through a search function in the Marks field in the goods description. This setting can be made in ADMIN → TEXT → TEXT MODULE.


Enter the number of packages.

The addition of the packages in the dimensions area (one or more lines) is checked against the number in the package line.

Number of containers

  • The field Quantity can be evaluated statistically. The system recognizes when the type of packaging is a container/code.
    Statistics can be found in the Environment menu → Statistics → Seafreight → ... .

  • The number of containers is also available in the advanced dynamic search.


Enter the packaging code.

The packaging codes recorded in the basic data are represented by their customary codes. They also contain the Dakosy, BHT or UN packaging codes and ISO codes.


Access to the commodity codes recorded in the basic data.
These are BHT commodity codes, commodity groups for forms or airfreight descriptions.
You can also record your own codes to facilitate the entry of recurring shipments.


Content description. Free text field.

You can record recurring texts as text modules.
These will be available through a search function in the Contents field.


Displays whether the weight is entered in kg or lbs.
Also refers to the volume (cbm/cuft).

Gross weight

For the quay request/port order and the B/L, enter the weight in the Gross weight field.

During data entry, it may happen that some fields are highlighted in red.
This constitutes a warning – for example, the contents is filled with too many characters for the interfaces or the net weight exceeds the gross weight.

→ Pls note information on column width on the bottom of this page.


Net weight

Entry of the net weight.

Charge. weight

In Oceanfreight, the field Chargeable Weight is not available by default in the package line of the goods description Seafreight. 
The chargeable weight column (eaware_t.cweight) can be activated in the system using a setting in the database table (global_sett_t. WBCweight = J).

The value in the Chargeable Weight field is displayed with 3 decimal places.



Entry of the volume (cbm, cuft).
This field is filled automatically once the dimensions have been entered in the lower section.


Record several levels

Example 1: record data on level 1 and use button level down

All containers and contents are entered on level 1.

Select the contents and move them to level 2.

  • Select lines via CTRL and mouse key.

  • Click button Level down or press CTRL + → 

Example 2: copy recorded data via the context menu

Copy containers and contents of level 2 and insert them at a different position in level 2.

  • Select container lines and sub levels via CTRL and mouse key.

  • Press ALT + K or select the context menu entry Copy line to copy.

The copied lines are automatically added at the end of the goods description.

The field Container number is deliberately empty and must be filled again.


Dakosy requires the entry of the individual weight in the quay request for cargo items over 1,000 kg.

Please ensure that you are using the correct goods description version before sending.

Column width in the goods description


Entry of the marks or the container number (for FCL).


Content column

Warning about column width in the goods description

Every user can individually adjust the number of characters for the Marks and Contents columns.
Please note that characters exceeding the maximum number of characters allowed by the port systems will be truncated.
Fields with too many characters are highlighted in red.

Lines with more characters will be truncated when being sent/printed.
You can print the forms to check whether they have the correct column width/font/number of characters.

This setting can be found in basic data ADMIN → EMPLOYEES → Options tabsub tab Port link/desc. of goods.