Set up month-end closing accruals
Authorization object: SPKTORUEMOABSCHLUSS
Topic in the order
COMPANY → INVOICING → Administration tab
Activate the checkbox Carry forward accruals (month end) to use the monthly-end closing.
COMPANY → INVOICING → Settings tab
Deactive the function that allows open accruals!
The field Closing: Open accruals allowed? must NOT be marked with a checkmark.
ADMIN → Number ranges
Option: Generate a separate number range
It is possible to record a separate number range for the accruals .
This makes sense if the general file should have the same consecutive number every month and thus no other postings are made to this number range.
Separate number range general file accruals:
Option: Generate an own file number
To carry forward open accruals to the next month, you have the option to create an own file number only as general file for accruals.
This entry MUST be carried out in consultation with the CargoSoft GmbH!