File no. definition in ADMIN

File no. definition in ADMIN

Authorization object: STAPOSDEF

Use this program only in accordance with CargoSoft.

A corresponding message appears when opening the menu item


Topic in the order

Basic data


Structure of the file number definition

The file number definition determines the structure of the file number. 

Departments and the corresponding number ranges must be entered according to the file no. definition.

Enter file no. definition for file creation

To have the file definition already pre-assigned when entering files, record the version of the file no. definition in COMPANY → GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETERCompany main data

→ For the airfreight module, make the entry in AIRFREIGHT → AIR PARAMETERfield AIR file no. structure.




Main department


Sub department






Serial number


Sub file (by splitting)

Structure of file number


Dummy placeholders are displayed for every digit. These are filled with real data in the actual file.

Digits that appear multiple times, are displayed by multiple placeholders.

File no. definition and count mode

The file number definition in count mode 2 turns the eta field into a required field in the Transport and Warehouse module.

eta and ets can be turned into required fields in the required field management in the basic data.

Create department mapping

Departments are part of the file number definition

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the department mapping, the master data departments, employees, number ranges must be configured accordingly.

The number ranges in case the departments are part of the file number definition!