Edit sub files in domestic branches

Edit sub files in domestic branches


Basic data

Assign files to a gateway

The Gateway field is available in the header data of the sub files in the export sector.

This field is available once seafreight gateways have been recorded in the basic data.

This field can be repositioned using the CargoSoft mask editor in Extras.

Gateway field in the header data of the sub files


Fill in the Gateway field to assign this shipment to a gateway.

On consolidation, the consol department searches for all (sub) files, that were booked on your gateway.

These files are filtered out when you consolidate in your own branch since the search is set to cover only sub files that are not shipped via the gateway.

Display of oversized cargo in the order

This concerns seafreight files with order sectors export, import and transport. 

Dimensions can be entered on the Goods description tab

A warning sign indicates Oversized Cargo if the entries in the fields Length, Width, Height exceed the oversize dimensions.

Display of oversize dimensions in the order:


If you have modified and saved the dimension layout via local menu Save layout, this icon may not appear.
Please select Load original layout.