Altern. address layout sub tab in Address

Altern. address layout sub tab in Address

Authorization object: STAADRLAYOUT


Here you can record alternative entries that are different from the address on the Input tab for the order sectors (seafreight and airfreight), airfreight, B/L (seafreight only) as well as eAWB transmission to airline (Champ) → Set the respective checkmark to activate the alternative entry.

The alternative address is automatically entered in the order upon selection of the address number.

Alternative layouts can be used if, for example, the customer requires the P.O. box address as invoice address but address with street names are used in the order.

  • The P.O. box is then entered on the Address tab → Input sub tab in order to be included in the outgoing invoice

  • and alternatively on the sub tab Altern.address layout the address with the street name for/in the order entry.






This alternative address is used in seafreight sectors import, export and transport.

In the airfreight module it is used in the import sector as well as address fields A4 to A9 in the export sector
If you have additionally entered an airfreight layout, this only has priority in the addresses A1 to A3 in airfreight export files.

This order layout is used in all other address fields mentioned above.


The alternative entry is used in airfreight sectors export and import.

Please note the following:
Export sector: This layout has priority over the order layout in address fields A1 to A3 and is therefore always used.
The airfreight layout is used in address fields A4 to A9 unless another layout has been recorded in Order. In this case, the layout from Order is pre-assigned.

Import sector: The airfreight layout is used unless a layout has been entered in Order. In this case, the address from Order is pre-assigned in all address fields.


The alternative address is automatically added to the BL tab → Addresses in seafreight orders.

FWB 16 / FWB 17

The alternative address for the transmission to Champ from the AWB.
For more information, pls see → eAWB transmission to the airline (Champ).

We recommend to use the alternative layout in case of long company or street names since the entries on the Input tab are clipped after 35 characters.
This may result in reworking costs of the airline.




Here you can enter the address in the format FWB17. This format has an additional line for the fields Name and Street each, which are also limited to 35 characters.

Activate the checkbox FWB17. The address lines from the Input sub tab  are automatically pre-assigned in the address lines of the alternative layout for FWB17.


This address layout can be used in reports.


If this checkbox is active, the address layout will be used for the transmission of addresses in interfaces.

The address lines from the Input tab are automatically pre-assigned in the structured address lines of the alternative layout for EDI transmissions.