Billing codes in INVOICING
Authorization object: STAAART
Links to further information
Basic data
Create billing code for a specific customer
If a customer number is added to the billing code, it will appear in the selection in the invoice only if the customer is entered as the invoice recipient.
Displayed in the search result are
all generally valid billing codes
and the customer-related type according to the invoice recipient.
Store billing codes in an address
If the billing code is used in an address, the billing code is always pre-assigned in the receivable if this address is the invoice recipient.
You can record a universally valid billing code and enter an alternative price in the address on the Billing codes tab.
Export to GLA
The header data of the billing codes contain the checkbox Export to GLA.
Activate the checkbox and save the dataset to export the data to ECM.
Datasets of the MOTs KEP and Barge can also be exported to ECM.
Billing codes are always exported to the ECM as Main leg.