Header data fields in ADDRESSES

Header data fields in ADDRESSES


Topic in the order

Basic data


Header data fields in Addresses and links to the basic data

Field or checkbox name


Examples and further information

Field or checkbox name


Examples and further information

Address type and no.

Address (account) type and address number.

→ See Account types in CargoSoft.

Match code

  • The required field Match code must be filled with a code.
    This field accepts a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters.

  • There are no specifications about the format of the field.

  • In order addresses 1-8, you can enter the match code into the Address number field to accept the address into the order without using the search mask.


  • Company name

  • This field is linked to the first line of the Company field on the Input sup tab.

→ An entry in one of the two fields is immediately accepted into the other.

→ Input sub tab in Address in ADDRESSES.


UN country code

→ UN codes for countries in ORDER

Location - UNLoCode

  • You can accept a UN Location Code from the basic data.

  • May only be relevant for interfaces and not a required field.

  • Facilitates the search for locations in the address search mask.

→ UN codes for locations in ORDER

Location – Description

  • This field is linked to the Location field on the Input tab

  • If you accept a UN Location Code from the lcoation table, the description is entered automatically.

Person in charge

With the supervisor function, a responsible person (= supervisor) is assigned to an address.

Only this person has the authorization to make changes to this address.

All other users can only display the address.



  • Behind the Supervisor field there is a function that must be activated → Supervisor function.

  • The activation has the consequence that the address can only be edited by the user of the login entered there.

Person in charge function

Authorization objects:
SALESSTATUSADMIN - Authorization to edit the field sales status in an address
ADRGSVADMIN - Authorization of whether the address can be edited by another person in charge

During address recording

When entering new addresses, the supervisor field Person in charge is now mandatory.

A CargoSoft login is recorded here.

After the address has been saved and a new call takes place, only the entered supervisor is authorized to make changes.

Activation of the Person-in-charge function

COMPANY → Specials tab in GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETER → Field Addresses: Person-in-charge function.


Plausibility check sales status

If an address has the sales status M1 or M2, the sales status is automatically set to M3 when you modify the person in charge.

As soon as the number of target customers has been reached, CargoSoft enters [x + country] of the company for the representative, e.g. XDE for Germany. (XDE was always entered up to now). When entering 5er and 6er Accounts (account types G + D), the application automatically enters a ‘T’ into the sales status and also enters the user (who entered the data) as the person in charge.

If the user has already reached his maximum number of e.g. 10 T accounts, the application automatically enters [x + country] from the basic data for the representative.

In the Order data tab in GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETER pls activate and fill in the

  • Use sales status

  • Default sales status and

  • Max number of target customers.



Maximum number of customers

In addition, it is possible to enter a maximum number of accounts for a supervisor in a branch.

This number can be predefined under master data COMPANY → BRANCHES → Sales status tab.

If the maximum number of accounts is exceeded, CaroSoft will inform:
This account manager has already been assigned the maximum allowed number of target customers!

→ Then, as already described above, the account manager is set to X + country from the master data.


Global Super Vision

  • A CargoSoft login can be stored → the field accesses the employee table.

  • The login describes which user is responsible for these addresses or customers worldwide.


Sales employee

CRM field → Sales sub tab in General tab in ADDRESSES.



Enter a substitute abbreviation available in the ADDRESSES → REPRESENTATIVES to assign this customer address to this substitute.



  • Entries can be saved in the ADDRESSES → SALES STATUS master data.

  • The field can be used for statistics or interface transfer.


Account type

  • Can be used to determine impersonal accounts and transfer them to financial accounting.

Account types in client-dependent addresses

Basic data ADDRESSES → ADDRESSES → Clients tab field Account type.

For customers with partial client dependency you can enter an account type per client on the Client tab.

→ Create account types in Account types in ADDRESSES.

Show memo in file



  • This field needs to be activated if the Memo tab in ADDRESSES contains important information that ought to be displayed upon transfer of the address into the order.
    When transferring the order, a memo opens to display information from this tab.
    The window must be closed manually by the user, but can be reopened at any time by clicking on the memo icon to the left of the order address....

  • If the field in the address is NOT activated, the window does not open automatically.
    Only an 'i' on the memo icon, to the left of the order address, indicates that information about the address is stored.

→ Memo function/address memo at addresses

→ Memo tab in ADDRESSES

Address removed

  • Here you can deactivate an address that is no longer to be used.

  • This address is no longer displayed in the search masks in addresses 1-8 in the order modules but can be opened at any time in the basic data.

  • Remove the checkmark to release the address.

  • ATTENTION: NEVER delete addresses that have already been used in orders. Otherwise you may be unable to reopen these orders. Instead, deactivate the addresses by using this checkbox.

The new authorization object LOCKADR controls the deactivation and activation of addresses.

With an update, this authorization object is automatically assigned to the authorization profile that contains at least one of the following objects: STAADRD, STAADRK, STAADRG, STAADRA or STAADRP.

Reference account:
Automatic maintain

Refers to account types D and K

  • If you have recorded a D or K address, set the checkmark to create a corresponding counter-address for the debtor or creditor.

  • Numbers are assigned either manually or automatically depending on the basic data settings.

  • Modifications (e.g. mailing address, phone numbers, contact person) which are recorded in the address under the one account type are automatically updated in the reference account, i.e. the address with the same address number but the opposite type.

  • With this checkmark it is no longer necessary to record the same customer account twice.


The Clients tab of the new address is NOT copied into the counter address for technical reasons.
If you want to use the account number of the counter address, the client must be entered there first, otherwise the client will not have access to the address → see CargoSoft information at right.


Confidential address

This checkbox is used to mark sensitive addresses.

→ Confidential addresses

Mailing: Merge PDFs

Setting whether PDFs should be merged while mailing or not. The setting applies to all e-mail addresses belonging to this address.

The setting is pre-assigned in the mail window. The field can be edited manually.
The default is based on the first entered e-mail address.

If an external mail program is used and the e-mail address is selected via the Addressbook E-mail programme, a default of the field Merge PDF is not possible.

The default is at

  • Selection of the e-mail address by double-clicking in the field TO (e-mail selection of the current file)

  • Selection of an address via Addresses CargoSoftas well

  • manually entering the e-mail address.

If several .pdf attachments are merged in the e-mail, the attachment name is the file number.
If no file number can be determined, then the file name is composed of the time stamp (DateTimeId).

The setting is observed during the mailing

  • out of the TMS

  • via the CargoCom (mailstamm_t.email_cargocom = J)

  • the automatic ATLAS outgoing invoice.

→ Attachments in e-mails

The prerequisite for merging .pdf documents is the installation of PDF24Writer.