Address assignments tab in ADDRESSES

Address assignments tab in ADDRESSES

Authorization object:

Here you can link addresses with one another.

  • For instance, you can record certain/various addresses for an address.

  • This requires some preconditions in the basic data.


Topic in the order

Basic data

Basic data settings


The precondition for this is the qualification of the addresses in the address qualifications.

Here you assign a qualifier to the addresses A1-A8 for the different modes and sections.

In the example below, in the Airfreight Export, address A1 was assigned to qualifier SHP (Shipper) and address A6 was assigned to qualifier PUP (Pick Up).


Classifying of addresses used

  • There you classify an address according to its 'tasks'/roles in the Qualifier column.

  • Example: An address is an Ocean Carrier - then it gets this classification in its address on the General tab → Classifications sub-tab.

  • The classifications must be defined beforehand in the master data → Classifications in ADDRESSES.

Link addresses with order addresses based on qualifiers

Adsress assignment tab in Addresses

In the Address assignments tab in the address master data you define which addresses should be suggested in which address field.

The address D5 is Address A1 = Qualifier SHP in the order.
If this address is entered in field A1 in the order, a window opens in which address D17 is suggested as the pickup address for address field A6 = Qualifier PUP.
You can now accept the suggested address into the order by clicking the OK button.
The address is automatically entered in the A6 address field.


Use address assignments in the order

The options to use address assignments in the order is explained here.