Commodity codes in ORDER
Authorization object: STAWACO
Topic in the order
The commodity code is used in the goods description of every module as well as in ATLAS and ECM (Services and Calculation tab).
If you fill in the commodity code, the description is pre-assigned automatically.
Field descriptions of the commodity codes
Field | Function |
Commodity code | Commodity code that is used in the goods description |
Description | Description of the commodity that will be entered in the Contents column in the goods description |
Commodity no. | This is a search field accessing basic data STATISTICAL COMMODITY CODE. |
Temperature from – to | Temperature range |
BHT Commodity code | BHT commodity code to be used in this module |
BHT Dangerous goods | Set the flag for the use in the BTH module. |
Forms: Duty rate | Duty rate |
Forms: Import tax rate | Import tax rate |
Airfreight IATA no. | IATA no. of the commodity |
Airfreight AWB description | Alternative description for the transmission into an AWB |
Airfreight Commodity | Commodity |
Airfreight DG code | Airfreight dangerous goods code |
ECM Article Group | Fill in a commodity. |