ADS: Search result
Authorization object: DWLAYOUTSAVE
Related pages
Remove fields from result
Click in the column header of the column to be removed and select Remove fields from result in the context menu.
Add fields
If you want to add fields to the search result list, select Add fields in the context menu.
This opens the table with the fields and tables.
The insertion is done in the same way as described in the Search Fields → ADS: Edit and save search settings.
Move columns
You can arrange the result columns individually by holding the desired column with the left mouse button and dragging it to the desired position.
Release the mouse and the column is inserted there.
Add as search field
A field that is included in the search result but not in the search area can also be copied to the search area via the context menu, just like the other way round → EDS: Edit search fields and save search area.
Click on the column and select the entry Add as search field.
The field appears as a search field in the header area.
Show field in result
Load original layout
Click the context menu item Load original layout to retrieve the original default layout.
Display AddOn-fields
It is possible to add AddOn-fields as search field in the Dashboard and also to display them in the result.
First, the AddOn-field must be added as a search field. Then the field can be added to the results list by context menu on Show field in result.
The layout can be saved via context menu Save search settings.
Export search result
The export of search results requires the permission to print in the authorization object DYN_SUCHE.
Save the search result as Excel 2007 file (*.xlsx) and Excel 97-2003 file (*.xls) by using the menu File → Export → Excel.