Dangerous cargo - general information

Dangerous cargo - general information


Related pages for Seafreight shipments

Dangerous goods representative

If your company structure includes a dangerous goods representative, editing and approval steps can be processed separately.

The restrictive edit must be configured in the basic data.

Checkbox Dangerous goods

Activate the checkbox Dangerous goods in the file entry mask:

Activate the checkbox Dangerous goods in the file entry mask:

Record dangerous goods data in the seafreight module



In the modules Sea and Road, dangerous goods data are entered on the Order tab → Description of goods → Dangerous goods button.

In the Hazardous legislation field, select the means of transportation used for the dangerous goods and by implication the law that applies.

This affects which fields have to be filled in the declaration.



The processing of dangerous goods masks is explained separately for the modules Seafreight and Road.


Record dangerous goods data in the road module


Record dangerous goods data in the airfreight module


The processing of dangerous goods in the airfreight module is described in Dangerous goods data in the Airfreight order.