Copy a Seafreight file

Copy a Seafreight file


Basic data

Links to further information

Create new file window

In the seafreight module, some of the new checkboxes may be pre-assigned according to your basic data:


Field description





No. of copies

Enter the number of copies that you would like to create.

Accept from file

Enter the file which you would like to copy.

Click on the dropdown arrow to select one of the files that were last edited or double click into the green field to select a file via the search mask.

You can also manually type in the number into the field.

B/L no.,
B/L data,
incl. AMS/ACI,
Additional fields

Activate the checkboxes of the data you would like to copy from the old file.

The AMS tab and the ACI tab are no longer copied upon copying of a file.

If the B/L tab is activated in a new file, the SCAC codes in ORDER is pre-assigned from the Statistic tab, provided that it has been entered.

Activate the checkboxes B/L data and AMS/ACI to copy these details.

If these fields are already active, the basic data settings in Copy and split in COMPANY take effect.

Reload addresses

If this checkbox is active, the addresses are loaded anew from the basic data.
→ This has the advantage that possible modifications are taken into account. 

If the checkbox is not active, the address is copied from the original file.

Copy eFile documents

A separate query as to whether eFile documents should be copied has been removed.
The default setting of the checkbox can be controlled individually for each client in the master data COMPANY → COPY AND SPLIT.

Click OK.

A new mask opens.

Select which goods description details you would like to copy.

Make a selection and click OK

A query appears if documents have been recorded in the eFile.
Here you can select whether you would like to copy them into the new file.

The new file number is now displayed.

Click OK to open and edit the new file as usual.

Copy multiple files

Only the first copied file opens automatically.

To open the other copied file, select File Open and enter one of the new file numbers.