Header data tab B/L

Header data tab B/L


Basic data

B/L address fields

The addresses from the order header can be accepted into the B/L addresses by means of codes.

Please use the internal description A1-A9 for the transmission of the addresses from the order header into the B/L.
These are all addresses that you can enter on the sub tabs Header data and Addresses in the order.

Since your basic data contain an address template for the B/L, certain addresses are automatically pre-assigned in the order header on your B/L addresses tab.
This is the preallocation that is most commonly used in your program. Modifications are possible at any time during the processing.

Modifications of the addresses within the B/L tabHeader data do not automatically change the addresses in Order Header data.
This enables the entry of 4 B/L addresses in addition to the 9 order addresses.

B/L synchronization

The B/L synchronization provides the option of replacing the data in the B/L instructions with order data and of updating modifications concerning the addresses, locations and the departure date at all times. 

→ This setting can be made in the basic data and applies to the entire company. This synchronization mainly refers to the Adressen and Orte.


The 4 addresses in the B/L instructions are usually pre-assigned with those from the Order tab – as per preallocation in the basic data.

When changing addresses in the order data, the B/L data are not updated without synchronization.
If the synchronization is active, addresses, locations and departure date in the B/Ls are updated at all times.

B/L Address description

Every address has an address description - even on the B/L tab.

The descriptions of the address fields displayed in this mask (e.g. shipper, consignee, …) are recorded in the basic data.
These settings are made by the system administrator in advance upon entry of the basic data and forms in the Formulargenerator.
The basic data also contain settings to determine which addresses and which descriptions will be accepted into every single Reederei-B/L and in the House/Master.







The language selected as default language per client for B/Ls in basic data COMPANY → GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETER → Order data is pre-assigned.

Manual changes are possible via the dropdown list.
This list contains a selection of the languages available in your system.

Address descriptions

Address description for this address field recorded in the basic data.

These are usually shipper, consignee, notify, etc. in the B/L.
See Address fields below.

Account type

Account type of the accounting address [D] = debtor, etc.

Number of the address from the basic data or matchcode
The fields Account type and Address number are only processed in their fixed combination.

Address number


The B/L print takes as many characters and lines into account as are defined in the Formulargenerator.

The transmission to Dakosy allows 6 lines with a maximum of 35 characters per address.

Order addresses

Common order codes for the cosnignee and notify address such as

  • To order, Order, to the order of, same, same as consignee usw.

are written as text in one of the 6 lines.


Reference field of the address – accepted from the order header data of the respective address.
Can be modified without affecting the header data.

Edit B/L address fields

Important: CargoSoft allows a maximum of 40 characters per address in the order. However, the EDI transmission only allows and transmits a maximum of 35 characters!

The number of lines and characters defined for addresses in the form generator will be printed in the B/L.

You can either select an address as is common in CargoSoft or or manually fill the field.

6 lines with 35 characters each are available. This is also the maximum amount of lines and characters that can be transmitted to Dakosy.

The dotted line indicates the maximum length of a line that can be sent upon B/L transmission to Dakosy.

Characters that exceed 35 characters are also highlighted in red.

→ Any additional characters entered will be marked in red and will not be sent.