Clients tab in ADDRESSES
This feature cannot be changed without disrupting ongoing operations. Please contact CargoSoft first!
Topic in the order
Basic data
Only visible for addresses with client dependency
The address itself only exists once on the database if you are working with the partial client dependency in CargoSoft.
In the header data of the Clients tab you can define which clients the address will be available for.
The advantage is that there is only this one address on the database but that you can still deposit different data per client.
Settings and effects in the basic data
By activating the checkbox Addresses per client in the GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETERS → tab Order data 2 the Clients tab in the addresses is activated.
→ The setting in the General company parameter must be made in every client.
→ Another possibility is located in the master data COMPANY → GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETERS → Preallocations tab.
ADDRESSES → ADDRESSES → Accounting tab → Financial accounting sub tab
The sub tab Financial accounting in the Clients tab has the same content as the Financial accounting sub tab in Accounting tab in ADDRESSES.
If the client tab in the addresses is activated, the entries on this tab have priority over the Accounting tab → so, the Accounting tab in the ADDRESSES can be ignored.
Tab selection with client tab
The Clients and QM tabs are also displayed in the ADDRESSES master data and are used as a replacement for the Financial accounting tab .