Port link field in the order

Port link field in the order


Links to further information

In CargoSoft, interfaces to the port handling systems are linked via... :

Port of loading

Port Community System


Port link

Main tab for the quay request

Port of loading

Port Community System


Port link

Main tab for the quay request















ECS  or MRN number



No port link




No additional main tab

Choose port link tab

Select the required port link from the dropdown menu in the order processing.

The Port link tab will become available immediately in the main tab bar with the corresponding masks .

The process is as follows:

  • You edit the file in CargoSoft TMS and can map all the procedures prescribed by the port institutions and the Customs (via Rotterdam only Customs).

  • The quay requests created are then sent directly from this program to the responsible authorities and you will receive an electronic response with the appropriate loading permit, customs clearance or reference number.

  • A complaint, query or a loading stop will be imported into your file as a note with a code and/or text directly via the memo function.

→  For port link ZAPP (Dakosy) you can subsequently electronically transmit B/L data to the agent/carrier.

Tab bar without port link tab

If you have not selected a port link, the Port link tab will not be available. 

Tab with port link Dakosy

The Dakosy port tab contains the following sub tabs:

  • Forms → for quay request types and transmission types including statuses

  • Quay request → quay request fields ZAPP

  • B- numbers → for the entry of multiple B-numbers for consols

→ Follow this Link for information about Dakosy.

All container, dangerous goods and customs details are processed on the Order tab → Description of goods

These programs are available as buttons in the upper part of the entry mask.

Information on how to edit the Dakosy masks and fields for the ZAPP system can be found in the Description of goods tab Seafreight.

Tab with port link BHT

Shipments via the ports of Bremen and Bremerhaven require the port link BHT.

This enables the data transmission to the dbh and receipt of responses.

The main tab BHT contains all fields required for the BremerHafenTelematik.

The main tab BHT contains the following tabs:

  • Overview → for new port orders, send and receive data, and status information

  • Port order → the order fields of the dbh

  • Description of goods → for the entry of the goods description and further details

  • Additional data → additional order fields of the dbh.

→ Follow this Link for information about BHT.

Open the description of goods in the order and enter your shipment details.

For the BHT link you only need to fill the entry section of the goods description on this tab.
→ Please do not use the buttons Container, DGR or Customs.
→ These are solely intended for the Dakosy link.

All container, dangerous goods and customs details are processed on the separate goods description tab of the BHT.

Please open the tab BHT Goods description and use the sub tabs for Container, Customs and Dangerous goods details as necessary.

For more information on how to enter a quay request and edit the masks and fields provided by the BHT can be found in Overview tab in BHT.

Tab with port link Portbase

The port link PBN enables the main tab Portbase in the seafreight order processing including all sub tabs.

The Portbase tab contains all fields for the customs data transmission.

The port tab Portbase contains the following sub tabs:

  • Overview → for new port orders and status information

  • Shipment → for the entry of the terminal

  • Positions → for the entry of the goods descriptioon and further details

  • History → display of the EDI shipment history

→ Follow this Link for information about portbase.