Seafreight Export order mask
Links to further information
View of the Seafreight Export order tabs
This tab view originates from the mask editor and the standard mask for sea freight export orders.
As an administrator, please refer to the Mask set creation tab for information and changes.
Order tabs and its links
However, you can access these pages directly using the links below:
Responses on the Status tab in the order
The name of this tab is company-specific and is assigned in the basic data in the field Seafreight name of status tab in BRANCHES in COMPANY.Additional fields tab (customer specific) in the order
The name of this tab is assigned to each client in the basic data in the field Description in the Company main data tab in GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETERS in COMPANY.
The Header data tab contains fields for
the Order date
the Port link
the shipping route
details about the shipment and delivery to the terminal,
and the corresponding reference numbers.
Pre-assigned fields in Export Sea
Certain fields are already pre-assigned according to basic data settings or entries made upon file entry.
The following fields may be pre-assigned:
the order date → from the file creation.
the port link → from the GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETER → Company main data tab → field port link and per employee in Extras → Options → Link tab → field Different port link
the port of loading → and the associated
place of receipt → per client from the Order data 2 tab in GENERAL COMPANY PARAMETER.