Context menu of the Header data tab Seafreight
Links to further information
Address block
The search mask for address blocks opens.
Select the block required in the search result and click Accept.
All four addresses will be filled accordingly.
Edit addresses
This entry is to be used within an address field.
You branch directly into the basic data of the selected address.
Make the required change and click the Save and Close button.
The changed address is inserted in the address field.
→ Note that this alteration changes the address basic data.
→ The next time you make use of this address/address number, the changed address will be used.
Close file
Find the topic under General TMS Functions → Files → Close file.
Open file
Find the topic under General TMS Functions → Files → Open file.
Deactivate file
Find the topic under General TMS Functions → Files → Deactivate file.
Activate file
Find the topic under General TMS Functions → Files → Deactivate file.
Own sailing list
Pls find the topic under Seafreight menu → Sailing lists → Sailing list (own).
Create oceanbooking
You branch directly to the Ocean booking.
A new booking number is automatically created there → the [file number + _1] as consecutive number.
Open oceanbooking
You branch directly to the Ocean booking in the seafreight menu → Booking.
Link oceanbooking to order
If an OceanBooking already exists, a CargoSoft query is made.
If an OceanBooking booking is not yet available, you get to the OceanBooking search mask to select an existing booking.