Status (field) in ocean booking
Basic data
With status NEW a new booking can be entered and sent.
By switching from the Search tab to the Edit tab, a new booking request is automatically created.
Send booking
After all consignment and booking details have been entered, select the entry Send oceanbooking from the contect menu.
Booking in transmission
The status changes from NEW to BOOKING IN TRANSMISSION:
Booking request - sent
As soon as the data has definitely been transferred by the interface, the status changes to BOOKING REQUEST - SENT.
The booking is checked again for correctness at Dakosy before being forwarded to the carriers.
Dakosy accepted
If everything is OK at DAKOSY, the booking is forwarded to the carrier and the status DAKOSY ACCEPTED is set:
Dakosy accepted - functional
Dakosy error
Errors are sent by eMail and additionally displayed on the History tab:
Dakosy functional error
Error info on the History tab in the booking
Carrier accepted - technical
Carrier confirmation
With the booking confirmation of the carrier, the status CARRIER CONFIRMATION is sent in the header of the booking on the Edit tab.
The Carrier Bookingnumber, Closing date and time is displayed.
View of the booking status in the Status tab
In the Search tab you can search for all ocean bookings.
The status of all bookings is also displayed. The status can be searched for explicitly.
Status im Statusreiter
Buchung gesendet erzeugt einen Eintrag im Statusreiter, wenn in den Stammdaten Statusevents eine Statusart eingetragen ist.
Oceanbook in status events
Status types from status type table
Only if the Status type field is filled in the status events with an entry, this entry is read from the status types in Status types in ADMIN and written to the Status tab in the order.
Filling rule from status events