Open file

Open file


Open file



Open file



Menu bar (1)


File → Open

The background turns yellow when you move your cursor over the icon.

The tooltipp appears via mouse over.

Quick launch bar(2)

Double click on the icon

Key combination

(Ctrl + O)

Ctrl + O

Sidebar (4)

The sidebar contains the files that have last been edited. Click to open.


File field (3)


Manually enter the file number.

Select File menu → Open. A mask to enter the file number appears.
You can either enter the file number of the file you would like to open or search for a file.

Open file



Open file



File number field (5)


The dropdown list contains the file that was last edited.

File column (6)


You can also access the file numbers displayed in the lower section.

The number is then entered into the File number field.



Search file and select a file to open.



Confirm by clicking on OK.

It is also possible to open the file by means of the Master/OBL/House-B/L or HBL number or AWB number, provided that the respective settings have been made in the basic data.

  • Enter the B/L or AWB number into the File no. field.

  • Click OK

  • The file opens.

There might be multiple files for a B/L or AWB number since they may have been assigned multiple times. In this case, a search result mask lists all files in which these numbers are used.
Select a file.

Confirm by clicking Accept.

The file number of the accepted file is automatically entered into the File number field in the Open file mask.

Open the file with OK.