Field description Send B/L
Here: Direct | Display mode: Type of B/L that is transmitted to Dakosy. You have chosen this type when you created the item or generated it by means of conversion. |
Link | The party to which the B/L is transmitted. DAKOSY is pre-assigned by default. |
Send date/time | The date/time the B/L was sent to Dakosy. |
Retrieval date/time | The date/time that the carrier/agent retrieved the B/L data from Dakosy. This is considered as receipt confirmation on the part of the carrier/agent. |
Originals/Copies | Required number of originals and copies. This value is pre-assigned based on the Instructions tab in B/L as soon as you have made entries on this tab. |
B/L type | Type of B/L that is to be created.
This value is pre-assigned based on the Instructions tab in B/L as soon as you have made entries on this tab. |
Send | SEND button. Press this button to send the B/L data and save the file. |
Here: In transmission | Information only, indicating that the data are in transmission to Dakosy. |
Cancel | CANCEL button Press this button to cancel the B/L data and save the file. |
Syntax | Technical term from EDIFACT |
Semantic | Technical term from EDIFACT |
Error | Display of the error code in the event of erroneous data transmission or content-related errors. Error sources and error codesReference to error sources in CargoSoftExample: Example:
Error message in CS: Example:
After having edited the B/L to correct the error, press the Send button again and save. The last file to be received by Dakosy is decisive for the B/L. Error message per email in user languageIf the sent B/L data are incorrect, an error message is automatically sent to the email address stored in the user profile. List of Dakosy error codes for B/L sendingThis is Dakosy transaction DY01. The Dakosy ZAPP server returns the error numbers and codes back to CargoSoft. They will be displayed in the messages and within the file. |
EDI reference | Reference numbers for the EDIFACT data transmission |
UNB | Examples for reference numbers. |