Field description Send B/L

Field description Send B/L

Here: Direct

Display mode: Type of B/L that is transmitted to Dakosy.

You have chosen this type when you created the item or generated it by means of conversion.


The party to which the B/L is transmitted. DAKOSY is pre-assigned by default.

Send date/time

The date/time the B/L was sent to Dakosy.

Retrieval date/time

The date/time that the carrier/agent retrieved the B/L data from Dakosy.

This is considered as receipt confirmation on the part of the carrier/agent.


Required number of originals and copies.

This value is pre-assigned based on the Instructions tab in B/L as soon as you have made entries on this tab.
→ This value can be changed.
→ Changes will be transferred back to the Instructions tab.

B/L type

Type of B/L that is to be created.

  • Original

  • Express

This value is pre-assigned based on the Instructions tab in B/L as soon as you have made entries on this tab.
→ This value can be changed.
→ Changes will be transferred back to the Instructions tab.


SEND button.

Press this button to send the B/L data and save the file.
The data are transmitted to Dakosy via EDIFACT with the next transmission cycle.

Here: In transmission

Information only, indicating that the data are in transmission to Dakosy.


CANCEL button

Press this button to cancel the B/L data and save the file.
The cancelation is transmitted to Dakosy via EDIFACT with the next transmission cycle.


Technical term from EDIFACT


Technical term from EDIFACT


Display of the error code in the event of erroneous data transmission or content-related errors.

Error sources and error codes

Reference to error sources in CargoSoft




  • The transmission of the B/L has been triggered and the booking number is missing.

  • No B/L form type has been entered.

Error message in CS:



  • The error message for the B/L transmission has an automatic search function to identify the field responsible for the error.

  • Click on the magnifying glass next to the text to open a mask displaying the field with the error.
    Here, the Send B/L tab disappears and the B/L Instructions tab is displayed instead. 
    The cursor automatically jumps to the erroneous field, which will be highlighted in color once you leave the field with the TAB key.



  • Total weight is missing: semantical error sent via email.

After having edited the B/L to correct the error, press the Send button again and save. The last file to be received by Dakosy is decisive for the B/L.

Error message per email in user language

If the sent B/L data are incorrect, an error message is automatically sent to the email address stored in the user profile.
Until now, these messages were only generated in german language.
If the user language is English, these error messages are now also generated in English.

List of Dakosy error codes for B/L sending

This is Dakosy transaction DY01.
An overview of all Dakosy error cdoes can be found in Fehlercodes DY01 - Hafendatensatz und Bill of Lading.

The Dakosy ZAPP server returns the error numbers and codes back to CargoSoft. They will be displayed in the messages and within the file.

EDI reference

Reference numbers for the EDIFACT data transmission


Examples for reference numbers.