Quotas for exchange rates in ACCOUNTING
Authorization object: STAWGKURSKONTINGT
Topic in the order
Search area
The upper section contains the search fields. Click the burger icon to see additional search fields.
Result section
The middle section and left lower section display the search result.
Entry section
Here you can also enter or edit datasets.
Display section
Posted quota:
The right lower section displays all vouchers that have already been used for booking (column Amount) and thus change the open amount (see screen above) of the respective quota.
Display of vouchers which booked the selected quota:
Enter quotas for exchange rates
After having selected File → New an additional line is added in the result section and the fields are blank in the enter section.
Field description of the empty row
Field/Column | You can enter any number of quotas. |
Description/Description 2 | In fields Description and Description 2 you can enter a free text. |
Currency | Enter one of the existing currency codes of the basic data. |
R.O.E. | Enter the rate of exchange you have acquired for the quota. |
Total amount | Enter the total amount of the quota. This amount is posted. |
Voucher type | A quota may only be valid for one voucher type. Choose between Payables and Receivables - the booking transaction for which the R.O.E. is to be used. |
→ The fields Currency, R.O.E., Total amount and Voucher type must be filled for the entry of a quota. | |
Completed | A quota can manually be marked as Completed. |
Default | One default should be defined per currency and voucher type. This quota will be suggested in the voucher entry. |
Booked amount | The field Booked amount displays the total amount of all vouchers that have been booked on the quota. |
Open amount | The open amount describes the difference of the total amount of the quota minus the vouchers. |
Id | The Id is an unequivocal sequence number for the quota that is assigned by the database. |
Reports for quotas for exchange rates
→ With this basic data program you can monitor the entered quotas.
I. Furthermore a report (wg_kurs_kontingt.rpt) is available with report ID WG_KKT.
Click the button Print to generate the report.
The report shows the quotas for exchange rates including the single vouchers.
II. Another report can be selected with the context menu entry Report without vouchers (wg_kurs_kontingt_o.rpt).
The Report-ID is WG_KKTOE.
This report shows an overview of quotas for exchange rates.