EDI trigger in ADMIN

EDI trigger in ADMIN

Authorization object: STAEDITRIGGER

Topic in the order

Basic data






Account type

Field for the account type/customer address; for the transmission of TMS shipment data to the eTracking (depending on the customer).

If TMS consignment data is only to be transmitted for orders with a specific customer, the address code for the customer concerned is stored here. If a consignment with this address as the customer is entered in TMS, a transmission of the consignment data is triggered.

ATTENTION: The address code stored here is only valid as a customer if the Address qualifier field is empty.

Address qualifier

If the transmission of TMS transmission data is to be triggered by a specific address that is entered for a specific address qualifier, the corresponding qualifier must be entered in the Address qualifier field in addition to the address code.

ATTENTION: If the address qualifier field is filled, the address code applies to this qualifier and no longer to the customer!

If the transmission should always be triggered by a specific address, regardless of the address field (A1 - A9)/qualifier at which it was entered, the value ALL must be entered in the Address qualifier field.

The ALL entry in the Address qualifier field must be entered in ADMIN → CS ADMIN → CS CODES so that it can be used for the EDI triggers.



Field to limit the transmission.

This field can be filled with up to 4 numbers describing the days after the order date.

As soon as the order date exceeds the number of days entered in the Rule field, the system will stop sending updates about this shipment.

Priority Insert

Orders that are automatically transmitted by the system via the EDI trigger function can now also be prioritized.

Priority insert is for the first transmission of data.

Priority Update

Orders that are automatically transmitted by the system via the EDI trigger function can now also be prioritized.

Priority update is for the transmission of changes to a data record that was previously sent manually.

The smaller the value entered, the higher the priority.
Data records with the highest priority are processed by the interface with priority.
If there are several data records with the same priority, they are processed in chronological order.