Financial accounting sub tab in the Clients tab in ADDRESSES

Financial accounting sub tab in the Clients tab in ADDRESSES

Authorization object: ADRFIBU_MANDANT

This function cannot be adjusted during ongoing processing – please feel free to contact CargoSoft!


Topic in the order

Basic data


The Accounting tab in client separated addresses

If the separation by client is used in Cargosoft, the address itself exists only once in the database.

On the Clients tab → header data, you can determine which clients this address is to be available for. 

The sub-tabs on the Clients tab are identical in content to the Accounting tab.

This has the advantage that there is only this one address on the database and that different data can be recorded per company client.

SLVS preassignment (statistics)

In addresses set per client, you can determine per client and address that the checkmark SLVS waiving on the Statistic tab is to be pre-assigned automatically.


This preallocation can be made on the Clients tab of the address in the field SLVS-preassignment (statistics).

This setting is executed in the order upon entry of the address as customer.