Facelift with Release 2021.4

In the course of this release, the surface of the TMS was renewed with a facelift.

A modern, flat look and the revision of the icons were the focus here.

The functionalities in the TMS are not affected by this facelift and are available unchanged.

 Additionally, two new color schemes have been made available under Tools → Theme:

  • BlueLight

  • Silver Light

 Colors of the key and mandatory fields have been adjusted in these new schemes.

 Blue Light is automatically activated with the update to release 2021.4

 The THEME permission is required to change the color scheme. If the color scheme was changed, the TMS must be restarted so that all masks can be loaded correctly.

 Fixing the ribbon bar is now controlled via the file menu or CTRL-SHIFT+R.

 Onlinehelp can be accessed via the new Advanced menu. This is the top left oft he screen, next to the file menu. It is visually presented with 9 tiles in the form of a square.

 The Dashboard function is now in the File menu and the Dynamic Search is in the Environment menu.