QM Card tab in the Info tab

QM Card tab in the Info tab


Basic data

QM card

The file opens directly from the search result, even files from other modules. Here you can edit the QM card.

Select a file and switch to the QM-card tab.


The basic data settings for the QM card are located in ADMIN → CS CODES.

Header data

In the header data you can define criteria of the type of error. Dropdown menus are available.

The field Customer is preassigned with the customer of the order.


The header data are followed by further text fields and checkboxes for the detailed description of the damage. The text fields are freely editable.

The date fields can be filled manually or thorugh the date function (e.g. t1 for tomorrow). The calendar function is available via double click or F2.

After you have made all required entries, save the QM vard via File > Save.

Multiple QM card files


  You also have the option to create multiple QM cards for an order file. These QM cards are listed on the left edge of the mask. 

  1. To add another QM card, select the context menu item Add line.

  2. To delete a QM card, activate the respective card and select the local menu item Delete line.

  3. To copy an existing QM card, select the local menu item Copy line. The current QM card is duplicated.

Mask editor for the QM card

Use the mask editor in EXTRAS to adjust the QM card mask.

QM card in connection with eFile

If it is defined in the report of the QM card that the document is automatically transferred to the eFile upon print or if it is transferred there via Send to > eFile, the system will store multiple versions.

The category is automatically set to QM and the title receives the term Quality card

Upon conversion to PDF, the QM card of the first file receives a file name consisting of the report, file number and file of the QM card. If you edit, save and send to second QM card to the eFile again, this QM card will have multiple versions:

The original version remains. The added file is listed as version 2. The highest version is always listed as the latest version. Use the arrows to change and open the version.