Status tab in the order

Status tab in the order


Basic data

Related pages


Field description





Status signal

The status signal displays a green, yellow or red light.

    Select an entry from the dropdown field Status signal:  image2021-8-9_12-37-51-20240403-085204.png


Status code, e.g. 001 (Order created)


Description of the status, e.g. Order created or Invoiced

Container no.

Container no.


Date and time - actual


Date and time - estimated


Date and time - modified


Date and time - latest

Reference no.

Reference number


Reference. Can be edited if the status was entered manually

Reference type

Reference type. Can be edited if the status was entered manually


Field for further remarks and information


User login

System date

System date


System time


Level according to status type (Shipment, Container, Tour)


The activated checkbox shows the last status set in the file.

Set status manually

If the checkbox manually has been activated in the master data, all status types that may be set manually are displayed in the status field using the search function.

  • The fields References and Reference type can be filled if the status was entered manually.

  • If a status is added manually to a file, the system evaluates the checkmark Refresh GLA Tracking (statusart_t.gla_track_akt) from the status type.

  • If this checkbox is activated, the file is added to eaxmlsend_t.

The system creates a tracking file that is processed in GLA.

The Reference table from the EDI-Status tab, which is integrated in the lower section, can also be edited in case of a manually entered status.


Delete status manually

Authorization object: MANUALSTATUSLOESCH

It is generally not possible to delete status lines from the Status tab.

If the authorization object MANUALSTATUSLOESCH is activated in the master data, it is possible to delete manually or automatically set status lines on the Status tab.

  • To do this, select Delete line in the context menu (right-click) or in the menu bar under Edit.

  • The precondition for deleting a status line is that the checkbox: Manual change is activated for the selected status type

If the manual change is not set for the selected status or the authorization object is not activated, Delete line in the context menu and in the menu bar is greyed out and the status line cannot be deleted.

Status with reference to a container number

On the Status tab you can link a status to a container, which is of importance for e.g. eTracking.

Double click into the field Container to see a list with all containers recorded in the file. Select one container per status.

Interfaces may also make this connection when setting a status.

The link from the container to the status is only set if the level sea freight/rail/road is switched to container in the status type. Only then a connection can be made.

Subsequent changes to the container in the goods description are not synchronized with the Status tab.

Context menu of the status tab

Grouping function

You can group the data by a specific column, e.g. the container number, via the context menu. The table is then displayed per container.

By default, the lines are sorted by status date (actual date) in descending order.