FAIR@Link: Door management/slotbooking set up

FAIR@Link: Door management/slotbooking set up




Function in the order

ADMIN → EDI → EDI partner

Record EDI partner

The name of the EDI partner for the slotbooking must be FLS.


ADDRESSES → Address tab → EDI references sub tab 

The participant code with qualifier F@L is recorded in the address.

Data can thus be transmitted to the parties involved via FAIR@Link.

Enter participant codes

A. Handling partner

In order for FAIR@Link to recognize which airline or ground handling agent should receive the message (TPA Recipient), the participant code must also be sent.

The address of the handling partner thus needs to be entered in the master file.

The address must be entered in the address field with classification [HDL] in the MAWB.

The participant code of the partner needs to be recorded in the address itself:

I. Participant code in the address of the handling partner with qualifier F@L:


II. Order address field provided with classification HDL for handling agent.

Assign qualifier HDL in ADMIN → ADDRESS QUALIFIER → Classification (Qualifier) menu.

III. Enter the address of the handling partner in the address field with qualifier HDS in the order.

B. Haulier

In order for the haulier who delivers or picks up the shipment from Airline/GHA to complete and finalize the slot booking, the participant code must be stored in the address.
The haulier is entered as the service provider in the service order.

Preallocation in the service order: If recorded in the service provider address as a reference with qualifier TPKPF, the EDI partner will be pre-assigned in the service order.

I. Deposit of the participant code of the Haulier:

C. Sending branch

The sender (TPA Issuer) of the data is the own branch.

I. Deposit of the participant code TPA Issuer:


Configure code entries for the service order

Activate the codes for service type and transport type for FAIR@Link.

The entries can be made through an SQL command on the database.

Code entries for the service type:

  • Code entries for the transport type:

Extras → Mask editor

Configure mask for door management

CargoSoft provides a standard header data mask for the service order door management.

This mask must be imported and assigned in the Mask set control tab.