Portbase Cargo Controller setup

Portbase Cargo Controller setup




Function in the order


In the status events there is the provider PORTBASECC for the Import sector - the provider PORTBASE applies to the export sector.

The provider PORTBASECC was created by CargoSoft.

  • All statuses available for this interface are stored here.


Status information

Various status information goes beyond the usual feedback on the shipment status.

For example, information can be provided on when the vessel is expected, when the container is expected to be released and other 'expect' messages.

Status information on ...

Email function

If an e-mail address has been stored for a status, the recipient is automatically sent a message when this status is received.

Fills-field function

This function can be used to automatically update predefined data (e.g. eta) in the order when the status is received.

Vessel rate of exchange

The vessel's r.o.e. can be entered in a file using a filling rule.