FORTRAS connection setup

FORTRAS connection setup

Data are transferred in FORTRAS100 format.




Function in the order


There must be a main mask for FORTRAS - this is stored in the Mainmasks → Services → CS Services FORTRAS.

The setup is performed by CargoSoft.

Mask set control

Integrate masks

The mask for the Fortras connection is integrated in the mask editor per client/branch.

Click the Mask set control tab.

Select the Mask type [Services]!

Add a new line.
Select the Client, Branch, if desired (not necessary if all departments will work with the service order) Mode, Sector and Main/Sub department.

The same applies to the fields Service type, Transport type, Service provider: Limit the areas/topics only as far as the user access allows.

In the Mask set field, select the entries CS SERVICES FORTRAS and CS SERVICES FORTRAS Addresses.



There are 5 entries with default preallocations for the pre-assignment of order fields in the transport order in the Services tab.

These entries are provided by CargoSoft and are imported into the master data ADMIN → PREALLOCATIONS.

Sample of the standard setup → CargoSoft Basic data
Search entry Name = [*FORTR*]


These are entries concerning the export and the import area.

Fields from the order are preset in the fields of the transport order.
Please check if these pre-assignments fit your workflow and adjust them according to your needs.

The dialog controls refer to specific transport request fields.

These are filled and emptied according to certain criteria and adjusted accordingly in the database.

During the first setup, please clarify with our consulting which addresses should be preset

  • as PUP (pickup address, here: TPPUP) and which

  • as DEL (delivery address, here: TPDEL).

Address pre-assignment in the service order

Address qualifiers can be used to pre-populate the addresses of the transfer order with certain fields of the main order and addresses from the master data.

Automatic setup of the client from company → branches

The branch address is determined from the master data Company → Branches.

  • The branch participant code is stored there.

  • The client is stored in the EDI partner.

ADDRESSES → Address tab → EDI References sub tab

Service provider

The EDI partner must be attached to the service provider.

Then the EDI partner is preset in the transport order and thereby the interface is activated when sending.

Open the service providers address in the basic data ADDRESSES and select the EDI References sub tab.

  • The Qualifier must be [TPKPF].

  • Deposit the EDI partner FORTRAS in the Reference field.

Sending Branch/Customer

Thus, the sending branch is determined as the ordering party in the transport order.

In the addresses, the branch must be entered as qualifier [TPKPF] in the EDI references sub-tab.

In PREALLOCATIONS (in ADMIN) the branch is the address source (pls see above).

ADDRESSES → General tab → Related addresses sub tab

Deposit branch code in branch address

In the branch address an entry with code FOR has to be inserted in the Route field → General tab → Related addresses sub tab

INFO: The branch office is not the client!

Column Route


Column Reference

In this line (FOR) the branch office participant code of the sending forwarder will be entered as a digit in the Reference field.

This no. or the participant code must be coordinated with the service provider (= receiving carrier).

Column Type/Related address

Furthermore, the address of the service provider must be selected as the reference address.

Several sending branches

The address(es) of the branch(es) must be stored in the branch master data.

The address per branch must be unique.


In the EDI partner, store the participant code for the service provider and the carrier's company as well as all other required qualifiers.

  • The codes must be coordinated with the service provider.

  • The service provider must be informed how many branches will be connected.

  1. The receiving forwarder (= service provider = trucking company)

  2. The sending forwarder: Each sending branch of a forwarder receives its own participant code from the carrier. These must all be stored in the branch addresses - in addition to the client.

  3. Consider other qualifiers that need to be entered.

The client key of the forwarder must be entered in the Content field.

The identification of the recipient and the sender (and other participants) are agreed with the service provider and communicated to CargoSoft.

ADMIN → EDI → EDI code conversions

Packaging code tables

WARNING: For the code conversions of the PACKAGING CODES, different tables must be used for FORTRAS100 and FORTRAS6.

  • FORTRAS 100 → Table VERCO


Here, the packaging codes are to be given priority and processed in the code conversions.

The receiving service provider works only with the FORTRAS packaging codes.

When you set up the interface, CargoSoft will deliver some packaging codes to you.

Check which codes you work with in CargoSoft and which ones you want to transfer to your carrier.

You maintain the missing codes in the EDI code conversions.

  • The source code contains the CargoSoft VerCo, in the target code you enter the Fortras VerCo.

  • CargoSoft Consulting will execute the scripts for the EDI code conversions.



In the status events, the status descriptions of the provider (here: service provider) must be available → these are also delivered by CargoSoft.

The status codes correspond to the corresponding code lists of the service provider.

  • In the field Info to user a control can be activated so that the user is informed by eMail when a certain event has occurred.


The code entries are delivered and imported by CargoSoft → it is agreed with the forwarder in advance which code lists of the service provider will be used.

CargoSoft Consulting then executes the scripts for the code entries.

Switchable fields in Codes ext

There are following fields in the transport order, which can be switched via the Codes_Ext table in the mask:

Field Delivery date

Texts for delivery date





Delivery date

  • Via FORTHINWT the date [delivery date] is switched visible/invisible in the transport order.

  • The drop-down list in the mask is before the delivery date.

  • Activate/deactivate the Active checkbox on the right side of the page for the entry.

  • When you activate the field, you transfer the entry to a drop-down list in the Delivery dates field, which are available for selection when processing the transport order.

Here, the part of the information texts will be used, which is [Fix] and [Next day] delivery date.

Field Delivery term

Fills the FORTRAS delivery term if field was activated in the mask.

Field Delivery term




  • The codes from the code list correspond to the System Alliance codes.

  • These are NOT the delivery terms from ORDERS → DELIVERY TERMS.

Fields Text code

Field Text code

cs_fortras_hinweistextschluessel1 to 6 and cs_fortras_hinweistext1 to 6



Field Transport type

The transport type is a mandatory field in the FORTRAS transmission!

Field Transport type




  • Initialization with source code [L] from the preallocations.

  • All other codes_ext entries are disabled.