C-Point setup

C-Point setup

Authorization object: APCS 




Function in the order

ADMIN → EDI → EDI partner

You need an EDI partner in ADMIN named APCS → for technical reasons the partner will not be changed to C-Point.

A recognition ID for the message recipient (receiver) is stored in the Qualifier tab.









BE0248399380 (EORI-No by C-Point)

Instead of the EORI number, the DUNS no. or the C-Point code can be entered by C-Point.

ADDRESSES → Address tab → EDI references sub tab

Branch address

An identification ID must also be stored for the message sender (sender).

It can be the EORI no., the DUNS no. or the C-Point code of the declarant.

ATTENTION: CargoSoft must inform C-Point about which IDs are transmitted for the sender and receiver so that data can be transmitted.



The possible status events are created in this basic data.

The provider is APCS → for technical reasons the name will not be changed.

Technical and functional response (OK/error message) on the customs data transmitted to eDesk is imported via this interface.
→ Functional container status such as arrivals at the terminal are not transmitted.

In the status events it can be controlled whether an email should be sent to the user for a status.

Field Info to user: If the checkmark is set, the user who is recorded in the C-Point request on the Shipment tab in the field Status messages to receives an email .

A mailing list can also be recorded.

As soon as feedback is received from e-Desk, the status is entered in the order and - if marked - emails are sent.

The CargoSoft delivery already contains all status codes for the use of C-Point.
You only have to configure information for users and mailing lists for each status.


Record terminals 

The basic data contain all terminals that are currently made available by C-Point.

The eDesk code recorded in the terminal data is composed as follows: Location-code+Fairwaysection+Terminalcode (i.e. BEANR0172900730).

This terminal code is displayed in the field Terminal of the C-Point application in the drop down menu and is transmitted when sending.

The location codes BEANR and BEZEE are also available.

If the terminal code is unknown, these codes can also be used for the transmission.

Selection of the dropdown fields on the C-Point Overview tab

The selection in the fields Document Type and Carrier Type is automatically preset by CargoSoft.

Specifications for the Document types of the C-Point application were taken from the C-Point website.