Transfer rates to the Calculation tab

Transfer rates to the Calculation tab


Basic data

Select rates


Confirm with OK to transfer the rates to the calculation tab

A system query appears, asking whether existing calculation data are to be replaced or to remain.

→ This query appears irrespective of whether or not rates have been calculated.

System query: Replace existing calculation data:

The chargeable weight determined by the ECM rate determination is entered into the goods descriptions of all modules. The rate from the sales main-carriage is always used as basis. If ECM does not calculate a chargeable weight, nothing will be returned.

Currencies recorded in ECM are copied into the Calculation tab even if the currency of the address is not the same. The currency is automatically converted into the one defined in the address when you create an outgoing invoice or accrual on the Calculation tab.

All selected rates are transferred to the Calculation tab as voucher type R1 = accrual for buying rates or voucher type [R] as calculation of sales rates.

Calculated buying:

Accept an AdHoc quotation:
set considered currency manually

When automatically creating an accrual in the Calculation tab, the currency from the underlying ECM contract is always used.

A global setting can be used to set that the currency from the invoice recipient's address is used in the accrual instead of the currency from the ECM contract.

This setting was previously generally valid across all clients.

This setting can be enabled on a client-by-client basis using a switch in the global setting:

Entry for the specific client, e.g. 001:

INSERT INTO global_sett_t (schluessel, wert) VALUES ('RueckstUebernahmeAusEcmNurInAdresswaehrung001', 'J');


INSERT INTO global_sett_t (schluessel, wert) VALUES ('RueckstUebernahmeAusEcmNurInAdresswaehrung', 'J');

Search for more than one Owner/Carrier

The result in the calculation window cannot be filtered like the user is used to in the ECM directly.

As the user would want to see only a search result for specific owners/carriers there is now the possibility to add more search field for Additional Carrier or Additional Owner.

If these new search fields are used and filled, only results with the carriers/owners will be shown.

If only the field Additional Carrier/Owner is filled, there will be no search result.

There are new search fields in COMPANY → ECM → ECM Parameter tab Additional Carrier/Owner/Agent/Holder.
These search fields can be added via pre-allocations to the standard search, please contact us for this.

Transfer rates into the calculation and create service orders

On the Calculation main tab, you can generate service entries when transferring buying rates.

The setting of whether service orders are to be created for the determined buying rates is located in search result mask.

  • Possible parameters that can be selected for the creation of service orders are Standard, No, Only pre-carriage or Only on-carriage.

  • The type of transfer must also be determined : Per container and service type or Per service type.

Both parameters can be pre-assigned per search mask in the basic data (see ECM basic data tab → ECM preallocations).

When transferring the rates into the calculation, the system automatically generates a service order.

Search result with setting Create service orders:

Service order for on-carriage generated through the calculation:

Display and grouping

Click the column header to sort the calculations in ascending or descending order.
→ Reset the sorting by selecting the context menu item → Delete sort.

The calculations can also be grouped in different ways.
The display is grouped according to the column header in which you place your cursor and select the context menu item Create group for this column.

Example: grouping by account:

Example: grouping by billing code:

Click the local menu item Delete sort to return to the default view.

Create CASS-accrual for IATA collect

If the following requirements are met when calculating the rates

  • AWB type = IATA

  • WT VAL = Collect

  • OTHER = Collect or Prepaid

the difference between sale and purchase is determined on the calculation tab and created as a collective (CASS) accrual.

→ For selling applies:

  • All lines filled with Collect are set to Print / Send eAWB = EXCLUSIVELY.

  • All lines with Print / Send eAWB = EXCLUSIVELY are marked in blue.

  • All lines with Print / send eAWB = EXCLUSIVELY get the balance = 0.

  • The field Account is not a mandatory field for lines with Print / Send eAWB = EXCLUSIVELY because these lines are not billed.

For buying applies:

  • Buying lines with C/P = Collect and and A/C = due CARRIER must not be charged.
    They are only used to calculate the CASS accrual = selling minus buying.
    These lines are therefore signed with the entry COLLECT calculation only in the field Print / Send eAWB.
    Note: due agent lines are charged normally as accrual. These are e.g. the trucking costs.

  • Lines with entry Only COLLECT calculation are highlighted in green.

  • Lines with entry Only COLLECT calculation are not calculated (reset).

  • Lines with entry Only COLLECT calculation get the balance = 0.

Calculate manually changed rate lines again via the context menu entry Calculate Collect accrual.