Calculation tab: Send outgoing invoices automatically via email

Calculation tab: Send outgoing invoices automatically via email

Basic data

Related pages

The following requirements must be fulfilled for this function:

  • The system has a CargoCom calculation and a CargoCom e-mail (parameter f_mail=TRUE).

  • In ADMIN → NUMBER RANGES → Preallocations tab, the checkbox No automatic voucher creation per CargoCom must be deactivated.



  • A status type with the filling rule: Order calculated exists.

  • In the Address of the invoice recipient → General tabInvoice data sub tab, the e-mail dispatch type is set and an e-mail address is stored.

  • For the sender e-mail address, an e-mail address must be stored in the master data of the responsible employee.

  • In the master data ADMIN → REPORTS the report RECHMAIL (standard) must be stored and a form for RECHDRUCKMAIL must be entered with this report.

  • If the report RECHMAIL is not available in the master data, the mail cannot be sent via CargoCom and there is an error message in CargoCom → CS output.

Error message in case of missing email address of invoice recipient

If no e-mail address for sending has been stored in the address of the invoice recipient, an e-mail will still be created via CargoCom.

This data set then runs into an error and there is an error message in CSOutput of CargoCom.

This can be tracked in the Autom. Output Status monitor in TMS in the Extras menu → System administration.

The missing e-mail address can also be added there.

To do this, click on the line of the faulty file and activate the [advanced editing...] function in the lower area.
A window will open with the details of the file.
There, in the Recipient field, enter the e-mail address manually.
Subsequently, set the output status of the file to Output New.
Now CargoCom retrieves the data record again and sends the e-mail to the stored address.
