Transfer calculated rates into the Account sheet

Transfer calculated rates into the Account sheet


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Convert (book) vouchers

Vouchers entered on the Calculation tab can be converted into real vouchers (booked) via the context menu.

The lines that are to be transferred must be activated with the respective checkboxes.

→ The following message appears if the calculations have not been activated via the checkboxes:


If vouchers are entered maually, program source KALKULATION is saved as identifier in the Invoicing header table (eafako_t).

If CargoCom is used for the automatic voucher generation, CARGOCOM is saved as identifier.

The program source is displayed next to the employees in the voucher header in the outgoing invoicing. It also appears in the ENVIRONMENT MENU → INVOICING → RECEIVABLES → SEARCH VOUCHER in the search result next to the employee.

Currencies recorded in ECM are copied into the Calculation tab even if the currency of the address is not the same. The currency is automatically converted into the one defined in the address when you create an outgoing invoice or accrual on the Calculation tab.

Create accrual

The function Create accrual can be found in the context menu. It transfers the accruals (voucher types R1 for costs and R5 for revenues) into the Account sheet.


If the Calculation tab contains accruals with container numbers, these numbers will also appear on the Container tab in the Account sheet. 

If you use the Calculation tab to create accruals with reference to a service order, the reference number will be displayed in the Account sheet.

Cancel or delete service order → effect on the accruals

If a service order is deleted or canceled the entered accruals related to the service order are also canceled.

After succesful cancelation of the accruals and outgoing vouchers, booked and non-booked calculation lines are deleted.

If there are outgoing vouchers and these are not canceled, the related booked calculation lines are still deleted.

Create invoices

Invoices can be created via the context menu.

Select the context menu item Create invoices.

A voucher is created and printed on the Invoicing tab of the file.

After the voucher has been processed successfuly, revenues are displayed in the Account sheet.
Possible voucher types for the transfer into the outgoing invoicing are R (invoice) and G (credit note).

If the invoice dispatch via email is activated and if an email address is recorded in the basic data, the email mask opens automatically.

In basic data COMPANY → INVOICING → SETTINGS field Warning when 'Bill-to-Party' is not customer you can set up a check of the billing line against the customer address.

Create invoice and open

The context menu in the Calculation tab contains the menu item Create invoice & open.

This feature only allows for the entry of one voucher at a time.
An information message appears if multiple vouchers have been selected.

This function creates the voucher, but neither processes nor prints it.

The Voucher items tab of the invoice opens.
→ If necessary, you can make changes to the voucher.
→ Save the voucher to process and print it.

If the voucher is not saved by the user, it remains unprocessed on the Invoicing tab.
→ This voucher must be saved at a later time.
→ Amounts displayed in gray indicate vouchers that have not yet been processed.

After you have printed or sent the voucher via email, the Calculation tab reopens.

Automatic voucher creation per CargoCon with incomplete calculation lines

The CargoCom program seperates between the creation of outgoing vouchers and accruals during the mandatory field check.

If there are accrual calculation lines and their mandatory fields are not completely filled, the outgoing voucher is still processed → in case all mandatory fields are filled.

Accruals are created even if the mandatory fields of the outgoing vouchers are not completed.

Create invoices as draft

The context menu also contains the item Create invoices as draft.

This function saves all selected lines with voucher type R or G as draft.

  • If only one draft is created (e.g. because all selected data have the same voucher type and address), this draft is automatically opened in the Edit mode on the Invoicing tab.

  • If multiple drafts are created at once, the Invoicing tab opens.
    → To edit, please open the drafts manually.

Create accruals and vouchers same time

If you would like to process all calculation lines together, no matter the voucher type, click Select all in the context menu.

Select the context menu item Create accruals and vouchers or Create accruals and vouchers as draft.

This function creates accruals and vouchers (e.g. drafts) at the same time. It is not necessary to select the individual calculation lines.

A query appears if you have not selected individual lines:

  • Yes = Invoice all lines

  • No = Only invoice the datasets of the address that was last activated

  • Cancel = Do not invoice any datasets

Cost splitting in CONSOL/TOUR files

  • The Calculation tab in files of type CONTOURSMAWB provides the option to split rates to consol files upon their transfer into the Account sheet.

The cost splitting basis must be entered in the basic data COMPANY → INVOICING → Incoming invoice tab.

In the Calculation tab, activate the checkboxes of the rates for which you would like to create the accrual.
Select the context menu item Create accrual with cost splitting.

  • There is no cost splitting in files without type CON, TOUR, SMAWB; this command does not exist!

The accrual is split to the consol container files based on the cost splitting basis (here: FRT for seafreight).

The created accruals are available in the Account sheet of the CONSOL/TOUR/SMAWB file on the Info Consol tab (or Info Tour).

You can alternatively select the menu item Create accruals.

→ If the checkbox Automatic cost splitting, which is located in basic data COMPANY → INVOICING → Incoming invoice tab, is activated, the amounts are distributed among the split files.

→ If the automatic cost splitting is not activated, the following query appears, asking whether a cost splitting is to take place.
     If you select No, the accruals are created on the master file.

→ If the checkbox Create accruals per activity type is activated, the amounts are cumulated per activity type before being split.