Search criterion Sideletter for different Sideletter-owners

Search criterion Sideletter for different Sideletter-owners


Basic data


The search result should be limited to the results where the X-Ray is made by company Swissport (K100).


Preconditions in ECM-Basic data

In the Basic Data TMS needs to be inserted the search fields which are needed. This is done in COMPANY → ECM → ECM parameter tab.

With the release of the 2021.4 there are placeholder entries released. The placeholders are not active.


XXX is the placeholder for the code of the billing categorie used in the ECM.

For every billing categorie two fields must be entered.

  • The first one is used for the service provider (destseller or originseller), depending on which side (Origin / Destination) the sideletter is used.

  • The second entry/field is for the information if this sideletter is required in the search result (destinationsideletterrequired or originsideletterrequired).

The delivered placeholders can be copied or overwritten.

In order to be able to create the search as a.m. used in the example, following entries must be made in the system:

SCAN is the used code in the ECM, for which the searchfield should be established.

Now those search fields are useable on the calculation tab, the search fields can be added by user or can be set to the standard search via pre-allocations.