eRates (net rates) in RATES

eRates (net rates) in RATES

Authorization objects: STANERATES, STAERATESDEL


Basic data

Topic in the order


Recognize the eRates format on import

The system recognizes the eRate format based on the order of the first three columns.

The columns must be the following:

  • date published and publication country and rate type/class or

  • new/change and country designator and iata no

The system is able to read the old and new IATA format as well as the file types .xls and .xlsx.

Linking airports to cities

This link can be made in basic data AIRFREIGHT → CITY AIRPORTS.

Reports for prints

The print of net rates in the order menu Airfreight → Rates → Print net rates requires the following reports to be recorded in the corresponding report directory:





Manage net rates profit

Surcharges can be calculated automatically upon the print of net rates.

→ The corresponding specifications can be entered in basic data AIRFREIGHT → Net rate profit in RATES.

Separate the rates by client

The eRates table can be managed per client.

Companies that would like to maintain their net rates per client can make the relevant settings in basic data General Company Parameter in COMPANY → Header data Client → field eRates.

For every client, the client number is entered in the field eRates.

The entry [000] means that the rates are universally valid, they apply to all clients if there is no client-specific entry.

Display/search eRates

You can search for rates by means of the search fields in the upper section of the basic data program.

When opening the program, the departure airport of your branch (Air Parameter) is pre-assigned as a search criterion in the field Departure.
Besides the manual entry of search criteria, you can also access search masks via double click or F2 that access the basic data. Here you can select a matching search criterion, e.g. an airport in the fields Departure or Destination.

The result is displayed in the middle section of the mask.
The currently selected line is indicated by its colored background
Details of the selected line are displayed in the lower section of the mask.
Modifications can be made both in the midddle and the lower section.

Sort the result

By default the result is sorted by Departure and Destination.
Click on the column headers to sort the result by this column.
Click again to reverse the sorting order.
A black arrow indicates the column and sorting order.

Search with departure ZZZ

By appropriate master data settings, all rates with Departure ZZZ from DE are additionally displayed in the result.

→ The country code in the field Country must correspond to the departure airport that you are searching for!

→ The search result will only include ZZZ rates if you have activated Origin city airport search incl. ZZZ in basic data General tab in AIR Parameter.

Upload eRates

Please proceed as follows to upload eRates (Standard Excel Format):

  • Open the eRates program in the basic data.

  • Make a right click into the middle section and select Upload eRates.

  • Select the matching eRates file.

  • The upload may take a moment depending on the file size.
    If you would like to keep working while the program is loading, you can open CargoSoft TMS a second time.

  • The progress of the upload is displayed by a yellow progress bar.
    The uploaded rates are displayed automatically after the upload

  • Repeat the process to upload another file or close the program (File → Close).

Check carrier

If the checkbox Check carrier in the AIR parameter is activated, it is only possible to upload lines from Excel sheets with carrier codes that are recorded in the carrier basic data.

Manual entry of eRates

There are multiple ways to add new rate lines:

  • Select File → New.

  • Press the key kombination: ALT+A

  • Click Add line/Insert line/Copy line.

A new line appears in the middle section of the basic data program.
This new line is indicated by its colored background.
New lines are added at the end of the list.
Fill in the desired details.
You also have the option to access the basic data for airports, carrier and service.


The Service is entered in the field Product name.
Besides the manual entry you also have the option to access the service types table.
The search result is automatically limited to service types for the entered carrier plus the standard carrier XX.
If no carrier is entered, the result will show all service types.

When copying lines, data of the copied lines are accepted.

Certain details from the previous line are also accepted when adding new lines, e.g. departure, carrier and validity.

Add/copy multiple lines at once

Select multiple lines with CTRL or SHIFT and the mouse key.
Press CTRL+A to select all lines of the result.
All lines highlighted in blue can now be copied.
To do so, click Copy line.

The newly copied lines are marked in blue (selected) and can be edited in the lower section.

Edit/Delete eRates

You can also search for existing eRates and edit or delete them.

The deletion of requires the authorization STAERATESDEL.

To edit a rate line, click into a line. The selected line is indicated by its colored background. You can now modify the data within the line or in the lower section of the basic data program.

Edit or delete multiple lines at once

Select the lines you would like to edit with CTRL or SHIFT and the mouse key. Press CTRL+A to select all lines in the result.

All lines marked in blue can be modified.
Modify the details in the lower section of the basic data program.
The fields are empty since you have selected more than one line.

Enter the relevant details.

To delete eRates, click the button Delete line.

To save your changes click File Save or the Save icon.