General tab in AIR Parameter

General tab in AIR Parameter


Basic data

Topic in the order





Check carrier 

If this checkbox is activated, the system checks whether the carrier is available in the basic data when loading eRates.
The loading process is cancelled if the carrier does not exist.

AWB external sending/receiving

Enables sending a psr-print file via email using the F6 menu.
Also activates the entry Print external AWB in the airfreight environment menu to print ingoing psr files.

Activates the F6 menu checkbox Send AWB print file as .psr.
If the checkbox is not activated in the basic data, the field mentioned above is not displayed, the line remains empty.

OPT Info

Can be included in the print if your AWB form contains the respective fields.

AWB check digit plausi

Activate this checkbox if you would like the application to calculate the check digits upon manual assignment of the AWB number.
Please enter the AWB number with seven digits.

Section Destination agent:

You can activate these functions if you store your destination agents in the Airports basic data.

The address of the DES Agent in the order is pre-assigned accordingly.

  • Use flag standard 

If multiple DES agents are recorded in an airport, you can use this checkbox to define the standard agent.

→ If this checkbox is active and the setting Preassign from airport is active as well, the system will always enter the agent with the activated standard checkbox.
→ If this checkbox is not active, the system will open a mask to select the DES agent.

  • preassign from airport

If this checkbox is active, the system will enter the destination agent from basic data AIRPORTS, regardless of the AWB type.

Important Notice

If a DES-Agent is recorded in the airport, it will ALWAYS be entered.
Another DES agent that had been entered manually will be overwritten.
If there is NO agent recorded at the airport, a manually entered agent will be deleted.

→ If this checkbox has NOT been activated in the basic data and if the airport contains at least one DES agent, the system will issue a query, asking whether it is to be copied.
→ If this checkbox has NOT been activated in the basic data and if the airport does NOT contain an airport, the DES agent that had been entered manually will remain.

The DES agent can be entered into the AWB entry through two other functions:
→ Consol flight plan
→ Entry at the consignee address

If a DES agent has already been entered, the system will issue a query when you accept a flight with DES agent from the consol flight plan, asking whether this is to be copied.
A DES agent entered in the consignee address always has priority.

  • Write from Consol to HAWB

If the checkbox is active, the DES agent entered in the Consol is transferred to the HAWB during consolidation, provided that no DES agent has yet been entered here.

Additionally the checkbox Update HAWB with consol details has to be enabled with the entry Query or YES → Consol tab in AIR Parameter.

In case of a query, this must also be confirmed with YES.



AWB number:

Master / HAWB

  • Automatically

  • Manually

Preallocation to assign the AWB number in the F6 menue of export files.

Here you can select whether the AWB number is to be drawn manually or automatically ni Master and HAWB files.

Print dimensions in AWB

Dimensions (cm/inch)

Options for the preallocation in the order:

Volume Weight

Default: 6,0.
Deviations per carrier can be deposited in the basic data.

Packaging code

Preallocation of the packaging code for the goods description.

Weight (k/l)

Preallocation of the weight unit for the goods description.

Dimensions (cm/inch)

Preallocation of the dimension unit for the goods description.

Use ext. manifest print (with/without charges)

If the extended manifest print is activated, a mask will open when manifests are printed in the order.

Here you can enter the respective print number of the manifests (with and without charges).

Show airline messages


Origin City Airport search incl. ZZZ

Belongs to Customer rates (Air) in RATES.

  • Origin airport ZZZ means that a rate is valid from all airports of a country.

  • This checkbox must be activated in order for the ZZZ rates to be displayed.

Consol flight schedule: Use release function

Activation of the additional feature for the Consol flight plan.

Activate Consol flight plan release function for branches.
If the release function is activated, the visibility per flight is transferred to your client's branch.

Convert umlauts 

Umlauts entered in the order addresses are converted upon AWB print.


Preallocation of the flag in the field as its Agent = XXX in the AWB Control tab.

Print AWB no. in bold

Enables the AWB number to be printed in bold.

Print AWB with current date

This checkmark is set by default.

Print addr. reference on AWB

Preallocation of the address reference that is to be printed in the AWB.
Selection from address 1 to address 4.

Overlength Cargo in cm

Dimensions starting with which a package has overlength.
If the order contains the indicated dimensions, the commodity code OVL is automatically displayed in packaging line in the goods description.