Addresses tab in Credit limit administration

Addresses tab in Credit limit administration



Basic data


Overview about check models

The Addresses tab of the Credit limit administration program shows an overview of the existing check models.

Certain sections of the tab can be edited line by line.

The Addresses tab is separated into two areas:

  • The upper section contains search fields.

  • In the lower section you can enter the conditions for the credit limit check.
    Here you can configure the check per client, mode and sector and, optionally, per address qualifier.


Column check model

In the check model field you have the two options

  • All types or

  • Consol.


Check model All types





Check model

Selection of the transmission type for the credit limit check.

Available for selection are [All types] and [Consol].

Consol is used to configure an alternative check for consol shipments - see Check model consol: Alternative check below.

Number of bill-to-parties

Entry of a number between 0 and 9.

It is up to the user which address will be checked - no fixed preallocation of the address qualifier.

  • An entry of 0 does not require the entry of a bill-to-party.

  • An entry > 0 requires the entry of at least one bill-to-party upon order entry.

  • Additional bill-to-parties (number > 1) are optional. Optional bill-to-parties can be deleted in the file entry mask via [Delete line].

  • Further bill-to-parties can be added via [Add line].

Accruals revenues / Accruals expenses

If these checkboxes are activated, the system will take open accruals (difference between revenues and costs) into consideration for the address that is to be checked during the credit limit check.

Open financial transmissions

If this checkbox is activated and provided that an interface to financial accounting is available, opten items are taken into consideration for the address that is to be checked during the credit limit check.

Est. invoice amounts from other files

If this checkbox is activated, booking amounts of other files are taken into consideration for the address that is to be checked during the credit limit check.

Est. invoice amount required with manual entry

If this checkbox is activated, manually entered bill-to-parties require the entry of booking amounts > 0.
The order entry cannot proceed without a booking amount.

Allow billing to other bill-to-parties

When entering a receivable you are able to enter a bill-to-party that has not yet been considered for the credit limit check in the order.

The invoicing of a bill-to-party different from the one entered upon order entry is only possible if the checkbox Allow billing to other bill-to-parties is activated.

Check credit limit when invoicing

If this checkbox is activated, the credit limit of the bill-bo-party address is checked when you save the voucher.

All amounts incl. other clients

If this checkbox is activated, the system will consider amounts (accruals, open financial transmissions, booking amounts) from other clients for the credit limit check.
→ This only refers to amounts with clients of the same house currency.

Check model Consol

Due to the fact that Consol files should usually be excluded from a check, it is possible to adjust a different check for Consol files.

For this, select Check model [Consol].

The Type Consol includes

  • In the airfreight: the AWB type Consol and Sub-Master (SMAWB),

  • in the seafreight: the B/L type CONSOL for consolidation containers, and

  • in the module Road: the type Tour.

Adjust version Consol

If the Consol file is NOT supposed to be checked, please

  • record a line with check model Consol,

  • set the number of the bill-to-parties to 0 and

  • do not activate a checkbox.

Provided that a line with the check model Consol exists in the credit limit administration for the selected client/mode/sector, it is read during the check.

Display in the order when creating a new file

When selecting one of the mentioned shipment types in the order creation mask, the field Check model is displayed.

  • If a Consol line exists in the credit limit administration, [Consol] is pre-assigned for the check model.

If a Consol file is for once to be included in the credit limit check, the check model can be manually changed to [All types].

Field Qualifier

The Qualifier field is displayed for each client, mode and area and is subordinate to the highlighted line above.

  • You have the option to pre-assign the Address qualifier that is to be checked.

The address qualifiers set in the credit limit administration cannot be edited when creating the order.

Est. invoice amount in order

If the field Est. invoice amount in order is activated, an invoice amount > 0 needs to be entered when creating the order.


You can search for a qualifier in the basic data.

Please note that the assignment of the qualifier to the address fields in the application ADMIN → ADDRESS QUALIFIER is necessary for the use of the address fields A1 through A9.

Choosing the qualifier

If you have determined address qualifiers, a check for these addresses must be conducted when creating the order.
The qualifiers cannot be deleted.

Set up the address qualifier

The qualifier have to be set up for all addresses.

If an entry in the menu credit limit administration was made in the fields client, mode, sector, address qualifiers have to be deposited for the same configuration.

Otherwise you cant't change an address or the customer identifier in the order processing without another check of the new address. A window will be opened and the new address will be checked although the file should not be checked at all (eg. consol file).