History tab in ocean booking
Basic data
Display of the DAKOSY reference dependent from response
Positive EDI response | The DakosyRefNumber is displayed on the History tab of the booking. |
Negative EDI response | There is no DakosyRefNumber. The message number from Dakosy is displayed. |
Confirmation | The DakosyRefNumber is accepted from the references and used as message number on the History tab. |
Status messages | No entry is made on the History tab in the booking. |
Overview messages sub tab
The transmission message can be selected on the Overview messages sub-tab and the Show file function called up via the context menu:
The browser window opens and the .xml file is displayed.
Recognize INTTRA booking status
The status CARRIER ACCEPTED (functional or technical) is also sent by INTTRA.
Inttra checks whether the booking data are technically/functionally correct before transmitting them to the carrier.
The field Sender on the History tab shows if the status came from INTTRA and not from the actual carrier.
Identify message sender:
Detailed view message sub tab
Each transmission also provides the transmission file (XML).
Select the relevant message and open the sub tab Detailed view message:
Detailed view mailtext sub tab
The email that is sent to the user is available as well.
Open the sub tab Detailed view mail text:
Responses in the Sidebar → Messages
All messages that are sent to the user are also available in the Messages sidebar if the Messages checkbox has been activated in the employee options: