Header data in ocean booking
Links to further information
Basic data
Fields in the header data of the Edit tab
Field | Description | Example/basic data |
Booking number | Creation of the booking number 1. File independent booking via the menu Sea Freight → Booking: Click the Edit tab and the booking number will be automatically assigned by the system. Pls see Ocean booking set up. 2. When creating a booking from the order in the Order/Header data tab → Create booking from order context menu, the booking number is composed of the file number and a consecutive number appended with an underscore. Display of the ocean booking number in the order
| 1.
SYS Log tab in Info tabThe application additionally makes an entry in the SYS log table for the creation of an ocean booking.
Carrier booking number | The booking number of the carrier is displayed as soon as the booking confirmation has arrived. |
Status | The status is set by the system. The entries come from the status events. The entries in the Status field and the subsequent transaction possibilities are listed in Status(field) in OceanBooking. | |
Carrier | Select the address of the carrier you want to book with. |
SCAC | The SCAC code is a required field for ocean booking - it is automatically entered here if it is stored in the carrier address. The code can be entered manually or filled in the field using the search function. Carrier code SACIf the carrier code SAC is entered in basic data ORDER → SCAC-CODES → carrier code SAC, the segements LocalReferenceNumber and FreightForwardersRefNumber will be transmitted with the same reference number (booking number). For all other carrier codes, the LocalReferenceNumber is transmitted as the booking number and the FreighForwardersRefNumber as the file number. |
Place of receipt | Enter the relevant locations. If still blank, the place of receipt is filled automatically once you enter the port of loading. All 4 fields are required fields according to interface requirements. When creating a booking from the order with service type
the place of receipt or final destination from the order is not pre-assigned and the fields are not checked and displayed as required fields. However, since the fields are mandatory in the interface, port of loading is transferred from the booking if the place of receipt is empty in the booking. |
Transhipment | Transhipment port in ocean bookingWhen placing a booking a transhipment port can be entered . If the booking is generated from the order, the port is pre-assigned in the booking from the order.
Service type | Select the transport route that is to be covered by the carrier. *If this service type is selected, stopovers can be entered.
Based on the field Service type the mode of transport field on the Container tab) is pre-assigned. → The preallocation is updated once you enter or change the service type. Booking to container terminal CYThe consignment can be booked for delivery to a terminal CY. Specifying the service types
the final destination as well as the recording of a mode of transport oncarriage is mandatory. The oncarriage from the port of discharge to the final destination (container terminal) is transmitted in the interface in the segment TransportDetails as_Oncarriage_ including the mode of transport. The transport details for PreCarriage or OnCarriage are also transferred for the service type [Door -] or [- Door]. PreCarriage: Start = place of receipt, end = loading port + mode of transport precarriage In this constellation, it is also mandatory to specify the mode of transport pre/oncarriage. |
Movement type | Depending on the entry in the Movement type field, the fields to be entered are displayed in the Goods tab.
To pre-assign the movement type for a carrier, enter qualifier OCBMV in the EDI references sub tab in Addresses. In the Reference field enter one of the codes
Contract | Contract/Tariff Number will be required in all EDI booking requests as of Feb 22, 2021. If available, enter your contract with the carrier.
| |
Mode of transport Precarriage | Selection of a mode of transport per booking header. If the booking was created from an order, these fields are pre-assigned with the entries on the Transport tab → field Mode of transport Place of receipt/Final destination (eakopf_t.fk_vkart_mc_vers, eakopf_t.fk_vkart_mc_endb). Please note that the description must NOT be changed due to its relevance for the transmission of the ocean booking to the carrier.
Pre-assignment of the mode of transport fieldsFor individually indicated modes of transport, the field mode of transport Oceanbooking must be filled according to the OceanBooking default for a correct transfer. The entry from the field mode of transport Oceanbooking will be preset in the field mode of transport when creating the booking from the order.
| The basic data for these modes of transport are recorded in the table Type of transport in ORDER.
UCR No. | If an English port (GB*) is entered in the fields Place of receipt or Port of loading, the field UCR no. is activated. The UCR number can be entered manually in the field. |
Fields of vessel data
Field | Description |
Vessel* ** | Enter a vessel (optional). ** There is a compliance check on the vessel and the IMO code. A search over the sailing lists is available:
Voyage no. * | Enter a voyage number (optional). |
IMO ** | Enter the IMO code (optional). ** There is a compliance check on the vessel and the IMO code. |
Departure* | Enter the estimated departure date. |
Arrival * | Enter the estimated arrival date (optional). |
* Required field check: You can enter the vessel + voyage no. or alternatively the departure date ets OR arrival date eta! |